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R - Submariners' Gold

Mineral Name: Submariners Gold

Color: Golden

Mineral location: Ocean, Sunken Ship Hulls

Mineral Rarity: Rare

Moh's Hardness Ranking: 10

Melting Point: 5000c

Solubility: Insoluble

Market Value: 7 Gold per pound

Description: Submariners Gold is a rare, golden-adjacent mineral found in the ocean that is said to bring good fortune and protection to sailors. It is often embedded in the hulls of ships or worn as jewelry by seafarers, but it also doubles as a handy hull reinforcement due to its complete immunity to all forms of rust, and natural wear & tear that sailors and the like face on the ocean. Its naturally forming state has been lost to time, as sailors have used Submariners Gold for so long, the only real way to get it anymore is to harvest it from sunken ship hulls.

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