Some rough maps of the world of Shinseina along with places in it. These maps are not 100% accurate due to size or the world, and the structure of things in the world differing.
The Elemental Isle
The Elemental Isle is one of the three islands that suddenly appeared offshore from the mainland of Shinsina, due to the awaking of the world. The island itself is filled with creatures of all sorts, mainly focused on the elemental aspects of the world, the island is even shaped in such a way that it has four prime areas filled with four different elemental aspects.

The Tide Isle
The Tide Isle is one of the three islands that suddenly appeared offshore from the mainland of Shinsina, due to the awaking of the world. The island itself is a collection of broken islands all connected together through how close they are from one another, being within swimming distance if one is an aquatic race. The islands are partially submerged in water, with lots of the islands being suited towards aquatic lifeforms.

The Floating Isle
The Tide Isle is one of the three islands that suddenly appeared offshore from the mainland of Shinsina, due to the awaking of the world. The floating island is a collection of small islands, all around one large island, that float above the ocean floor roughly at the height of clouds. Each island is odd, with most being vastly different from the others, and many believe that dreams and nightmares come alive on the island.