Human Clan Races
A collection of races that belong to, or are recognized for being commonly found within the 'Human Clan'.
[Human Clan] Buki
Appearance -
They resemble a large humanoid with six hands rather than two. They are quite often more buff in shape, and taller than the average human, commonly reaching heights up to 8-9ft tall. Some other features that make them stand out from humans are their reddish-colored skin, sometimes even blue or gray in shade.
Information -
Bukis are a race of people that are believed to originally belong to the human race many thousands of years ago. It is believed that either due to evolution from natural causes or racial cross-breeding, they have become the race of today.
Over time, Bukis have come to live in more 'tribal' lifestyles, often moving in small numbers from place to place, or settling in small settlements, while some have even chosen to live among other races in a more, 'modern', take on things. Thanks to their natural lifestyles, Bukis fit right into most races, and are neither hated nor specifically loved, much like any other race.
Bukis are one of the strongest races in the Human Clan, and among the stronger ones in the world, with strength and capabilities that could rival that of even an Orc.
While low in numbers and unlikely to encounter, encountering one isn't impossible, and they are even commonly known to be stubborn, or hot-headed, often making it difficult for their kind to learn the finer points of magic.
Abilities -
Physical Capabilities = They can have physical strength ranging from 4 to 6 times stronger than the average human. This includes leg capabilities, making them have the ability to jump great heights.
Skin = Their skin is as strong as oak wood, but their body is still as durable as a human's.
Enhanced Stamina = They can fully restore lost stamina, often with just an hour or two of rest, and are capable of working for days at a time without feeling drained.
Battle Healing = Due to constant fighting some Bukis have evolved the feature of battle healing, allowing them to temporarily heal wounds they have gained during a fight, by clotting the blood at the wound's entrance. This often only lasts for 10-15 turns, before once again starting to bleed.
Dulled = Some Buki loses their touch with magic entirely, gaining strength above their kin. Dulled Buki can be up to 8-9 times the human strength.
Extension = Some Bukis are born with more arms with higher strength. Some can go up to even sixteen arms each having 6 - 7 times more strength than a human. Their size often increases to match the number of arms they have.
Weaknesses -
Movement = The Buki race are more restricted due to their multiple limbs and immense height, often rather slow.
Mana Sensitivity = They are very sensitive to mana, with an overly large amount causing nausea.
Melee Magic = They are terrible at using magic that isn’t focused on their physical body in some way.
Sleep = When sleeping Buki cannot be woken up by any means, they will die before their rest is interrupted.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Crystalian
Appearance -
Crystalians are humanoid in shape but composed entirely of one or more types of crystals or gems. Their bodies shine and reflect light beautifully, much like polished gemstones with hair and eyes that match the color of their gemstone body that glimmer when exposed to sunlight. Light passing through them creates a radiant glow that makes them stand out.
Information -
Crystalians are a rare race of beings formed deep underground over long periods of time. These beings are formed when large deposits of minerals and gemstones absorb enough ambient mana to become sentient and gain new life, lying dormant in a coma-like state until they are exposed to sunlight, which awakens them and allows them to live.
Because of their composition, Crystalians do not require food or any normal human bodily functions to survive. Instead, they draw their energy from sunlight, absorbing it and storing it within their bodies in order to function and sustain themselves. This unique trait gives them the ability to live without typical sustenance at all, making them more dependent on sunlight than most other races.
Despite their rarity, Crystalians are often treated with curiosity and friendliness by many people, though some see them as objects or commodities due to their valuable gemstone bodies. This has led to the illegal hunting and black market trade of Crystalians, further diminishing their numbers, however, in recent times this has been more strictly regulated.
Their connection to mana and sunlight grants them certain magical abilities, but it also makes them highly vulnerable. If they go too long without sunlight, they risk slipping back into a coma-like state; and due to their brittle nature, they are at risk of shattering if hit with sufficient force.
Abilities -
Gem Body = Crystalians are incapable of bleeding or suffering from typical injuries, as their bodies are made of crystal. They can survive the loss of limbs and other body parts, as long as their head remains intact, they will not die. Their durability and weight vary depending on the type of crystal they are made from.
Sun Energy Storage = Crystalians absorb sunlight as their source of energy, storing it in their bodies for use. They can hold up to three day's worth of energy, allowing them to function without sunlight for 3 days.
Light Refraction = Due to their gem-like nature, they can refract light, creating dazzling displays. This can be used to disorient enemies or create beautiful, colorful illusions in their surroundings.
Crystal Creation = Some Crystalians have the ability to grow crystals on surfaces around them, though these crystals are fragile and cannot be used to cause instant harm to other beings.
Regeneration = In rare cases, Crystalians can use stored energy to regenerate lost body parts or heal wounds. They can regrow a limb over the course of 5 turns, as long as they have enough energy stored.
Gem Amplification = Some Crystalians can amplify magic through their gemstone body, boosting the potency of certain spells cast near or through them by 2x.
Inverse Geode = Some Crystalians are born with two different types of crystals fused together in their body. This gives them unique properties, such as enhanced durability or resistance to certain types of magic, depending on the crystals they are made from.
Crystal Pulse = A rare ability that allows a Crystalian to release a pulse of mana from their body, creating a shockwave that can push back enemies within 25 meters. This ability has a 10 turn cooldown and drains a portion of their stored energy.
Weaknesses -
Sunlight = A lack of sunlight can make return them to their coma-like state.
Shattering - Being made of crystal, they tend to be brittle. Naturally, some can be shattered with brunt force.
Lifespan -
Extra -
Can’t reproduce, but can be artificially created with the right methods.

[Human Clan] Giant
Appearance -
They range from 10 to 13 feet in height, with a humanoid form. Most are usually broad-shouldered and muscular in build, with significant quantities of hair on their legs, arms, and even torso. They have a variety of skin tones, ranging from pale to even orange. Eye color is less varied, with the most common color being grey, the least common being blue, and the rarest being orange.
Information -
Giants are a race of people that are known for their rather large builds. They aren’t uncommon around the world, but they prefer to live in seclusion in mountains or forests amongst their kind, or alone though rarely so due to their breeding instincts.
They tend to be more hot-headed and simple in nature. Due to the nature of their race, while they aren't commonly discriminated against, the common populace tends to look at them as slow, or stupid even, however, that's just a prejudge by people that don't know them.
Being one of the largest races in the world, they are quite strong as well, with strength that could rival that of a demon, and durability that can match one.
While not rare, encountering a giant is rather uncommon, but if you do encounter one you would be able to tell right away from its massive side, which most can't hide.
Abilities -
Strength = They have a large amount of physical power, being close to 5 to 7 times stronger than the average human being.
Tough Skin = They have very strong skin being as hard as stone, making it hard to break through.
Earth's Blessing = Some giants are believed to be blessed by the earth and ground, allowing them to cover parts of their bodies in stone, and use it for their needs.
Metabolism = Some giants have an incredibly high metabolism due to their size and physical makeup, giving them a moderate resistance to poisons and negative ailments.
Size Compression = Some giants are able to compress themselves down to the size of a normal human, while still keeping all the traits of a Giant.
Weaknesses -
Speed = While they are strong, they aren’t very fast due to their big build.
Stamina = They don’t have a lot of stamina due to their large bodies, with most being able to tire out easily.
Bruise = Due to giants having rock-hard skin instead of cuts, and stabs, they tend to only bruise, but they bruise quite easily when hitting them in the same spot more than twice.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Monster Tamer
Appearance -
Monster Tamers look identical to humans, with one key distinguishing feature: a bracelet-like pattern of intertwined blue and black lines that wraps around both wrists, resembling vines. This mark signifies their unique bond with monsters and cannot be removed or altered as it is a part of their skin.
Information -
Monster Tamers are believed to have originated from a group of humans who specialized in hunting and taming beasts for assistance. Over thousands of years, through a ritual that bound faunas to their bloodline, they evolved into a distinct race, passing their taming abilities to future generations not through knowledge but through blood.
The ritual that initially allowed them to bind monsters was eventually absorbed into their genetics, leading to a natural affinity for taming creatures. However, this genetic shift came at a price, limiting their reproductive capabilities and shortening their lifespan compared to a normal human; in turn, they were granted the ability to tame creatures much better than any other race could.
Historically, Monster Tamers were shunned by other humans due to fear and misunderstanding of their abilities; some even thought the rituals they used were forbidden magic. Although such discrimination is less common today, Monster Tamers tend to remain in closed villages and communities, preferring the safety of their kind.
While Monster Tamers lack individual magical power or physical strength, they compensate with their exceptional mastery over familiars, some of whom become lifelong companions. Their unique mana not only attracts beasts but allows for deep connections.
Abilities -
Fauna Affinity = Their mana makes creatures ranked D and below instinctively more passive, calming their aggression and making them easier to tame.
Monster Tongue = They can naturally understand the language of monsters and communicate with them effectively.
Mana reserve = Their specialized mana pool allows them to maintain more familiars than the average magic user without mental strain.
Adaptive Familiar Handling = Monster Tamers can quickly adapt to the habits, behaviors, and needs of any familiar they bond with. This reduces the time needed to form trust.
Beast Empathy = Tamers can instinctively feel and interpret the moods and emotional states of wild creatures in their vicinity.
Taming = Taming monsters ranked C or below is significantly easier, though the more powerful the creature, the harder it is to manage multiple familiars at once.
Summoning = They can instantly summon their familiars, regardless of the distance, so long as the familiar is not restrained.
Strengthened Bond = Some Monster Tamers can enhance the bond with their familiars, increasing the strength of their beasts by 2x temporarily for 4 turns with a cooldown of 8 turns.
Enslavement = In rare cases, they can forcefully tame a defeated A-rank or lower monster, compelling it to obey their commands.
Ability Share = Monster Tamers can share their familiar abilities, using them for 4 turns. This process has a 10 turn cooldown and comes with risks if the abilities are difficult to control.
Link Empowerment = In rare instances, they can channel the combined power of all their familiars to enhance one familiar, granting it a 4x boost for 5 turns, with a cooldown of 20 turns. During this time all other familiars are weakened.
Weaknesses -
Magic restriction = Their abilities focus entirely on their familiars, limiting them to casting only C-rank spells or lower.
Physical Weakness = Monster Tamers are physically weak, as most of their energy and mana are dedicated to their familiars. They bruise easily and are vulnerable to injury.
Overwhelming = The emotional and physical link with their familiars can lead to mental instability if the Tamer cannot control the shared sensations.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Dryad
Appearance -
They are humanoid in form but completely composed of grass, vines, bark, or a combination of these natural aspects. They typically have green or brown tones and are often adorned with flowers, moss, or other flora growing from their bodies; their eyes are always a shade of green, glowing softly due to the mana that flows through them.
Information -
Dryads are born from old trees that accumulate an immense amount of mana over time, granting them sentience. These trees manifest their consciousness into Dryads, physical forms that embody nature itself and allow them more freedom. Though once a very isolated race, some Dryads have aligned with the Human Clan out of fear of exploitation, seeking safety for their forests.
Dryads are known for their mastery over plants and their affinity for nature magic. They rarely leave the place they are born, remaining connected to their birthplace and its ecosystem forever, even so, their natural beauty and control over flora have earned them a reputation worldwide.
With their strong connection to the natural world, Dryads are naturally very powerful beings within nature, capable of manipulating the flora around them. However, this connection comes with a risk because if the tree they are born from is harmed, they suffer equally, sharing in the tree’s fate.
Although not rare, Dryads are uncommon to meet due to their secluded nature. Their lives revolve around their forests, making them beings of nature that few will encounter outside of their sanctuaries.
Abilities -
Nature Body - Their bodies are linked to the tree they were born from; if the tree is damaged or killed, they share the injury or perish as well. They require no food or sleep, relying only on sunlight and water for survival.
Plant Affinity = Dryads can feel the emotions of plants upon contact, sensing their health, happiness, or distress. This also grants them an affinity for nature-based magic that is 2x better than a human.
Plant Manipulation = They can control and grow nearby plants or vines at will within a range of 25 meters of them.
Photosynthesis = Dryads can heal their wounds through direct exposure to sunlight, slowly regenerating as long as they are in daylight.
Animal Tongue = Some Dryads can communicate with animals and have an affinity for them.
Monster Tongue = Rarely, a Dryad can understand and speak with beasts or monsters.
Spreading Roots = Some Dryads can extend their roots underground, feeling vibrations and life within a 50-meter radius.
Nature’s Call = In desperate situations, they can summon local wildlife or plants to defend their territory causing them to overgrow or flock to them. This ability has a 10-turn cooldown.
Plant Creation = Some powerful Dryads can grow plants without any source, transforming barren land into lush forests within a range of 50 meters with ease.
Weaknesses -
Fire = Dryads burn easily and have a natural fear of flames.
Lack Of Water = Can kill them if they don’t get any form of water.
Link = If the tree they are connected to is damaged or destroyed, the Dryad will suffer equally or die.
Lifespan -
Extra -
Dryads cannot reproduce naturally but can be reborn if their linked tree accumulates enough mana over time to form a new Dryad.

[Human Clan] Dwarf
Appearance -
They are known to be shorter than the average person in height, with most being around 3-4 feet in size. While small, they are muscular, often having quite thick arms and bodies. They often have brown or black hair and eyes, other colors are unusual, but not completely rare.
Information -
Dwarves are a well-known race for their great craftsmanship and manual labor. They are known to be the best at making weapons and items amongst all the races, for a good reason at that, with most being naturally skilled at crafting, with a great memory.
Dwarves are believed to be some of the oldest races alive, dating back to the old times, with them being based on humans in form, but specialized in crafting, due to this they tend to live for the craft, mostly running smiths or similar professions. Being one of the most populated races in the Human Clan they are quite common, and quite respected by many for their talents of crafting, having a great reputation among the common people.
Dwarves are said to be one of the few races with the crafting capabilities to naturally engrave runes into their items, making items that are able to use magical abilities much easier than other races.
Being one of the most populated races in the Human Clan, and one of the more famous races in the world, finding and interacting with a dwarf isn't rare at all, with them being all around the Human Clan.
Abilities -
Craftsmanship = Dwarves can craft superior quality items such as weapons, armor, and tools that are more durable and effective than those made by others naturally. Dwarven-forged items are known for having an innate quality or effectiveness.
Memory = Dwarves possess an almost photographic memory for details related to craftsmanship, materials, and techniques. This ability allows them to recall blueprints, instructions, and schematics with ease after a single viewing and much more.
Compressed bodies = The natural density of a dwarf’s muscles and bones makes them 3x stronger and more resilient than the average human. This allows them to lift heavier objects, take more damage, and endure long hours of physical labor without tiring. Their stamina is nearly unmatched, making them excellent warriors, miners, and craftsmen.
Darkvision = Accustomed to living and working underground, dwarves can see in total darkness as if it were dim light.
Fire Resistance = Dwarves that have spent years working in intense heat, such as in forges or volcanic regions, develop a natural resistance to fire. This grants them a 60% resistance to non-magical fire damage, and 35% to magical fire damage.
Runic Engraving = Dwarves have the ability to carve runes imbued with mana into weapons, armor, and tools. This process can enchant items, giving them special abilities such as increased strength, elemental resistance, or enhanced speed.
Stonebound Vitality = Some dwarves have developed an almost natural connection to the earth, gaining increased vitality when underground or near large masses of stone. While in these environments, they recover faster from injuries, gaining 3x regeneration and an extra 2x to their base durability.
Enchantment Mastery = Certain dwarves are born with the rare gift to enchant items with powerful magic permanently. These enchantments do not count towards the maximum enchantments an item can have, however, it is limited to one per item. Each time they use this ability, it drains a portion of their life.
Stoneform = In rare cases, a dwarf can temporarily turn parts of their body into stone for increased defense. This ability hardens their skin, making them 3x more durable for 5 turns. While in this state, they move more slowly, and it has a cooldown of 4 turns.
Earthshaper = Some dwarves can manipulate stone and earth in a limited way, shaping the terrain around them. In a range of 25 meters.
Weaknesses -
Magic = They aren’t the best at non-enchantment and earth magic, and tend to stray away from it due to believing in more physical and reliable things such as bows and swords.
Speed = They are rather slow and not very agile with their height and body, they tend to also fall all over a lot when running.
Compressed = Due to their body being quite compressed to adapt they can tend to be born with or easily gain diseases and have bodily problems.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Elf
Appearance -
They are humanoid in shape, with a rather slim and tall build compared to humans, with them commonly reaching heights such as 6ft tall, and a body that can only be described as beautiful. They commonly have silky white skin tones, with the rarer ones being tanned brown. They have unnaturally long pointed ears, pointed slightly upwards, making them easily distinguishable from humans. While it's not common, some elves tend to have odd-shaped pupils, forming diamonds or even squares, that glisten in the light.
Information -
Elves are a race of people that are well-known for their magic, looks, and longevity, elves, are said to date back to when god made all the races, being one of the races he made directly after humans, tempering them to be perfect in many ways.
Elves are a race of proud people, rarely interacting with people outside their race, commonly living in small tribes in forests or mountains, with small numbers due to their long-life span resulting in less reproductive abilities. Even with their low numbers, they are still one of the top races within the Human Clan, with almost everyone in the world knowing about them, and being well respected for their magical abilities.
Their bodies are tempered to be able to easily master magic, and from years of living in self-isolation within the depths of the forests, they have evolved to be great hunters. Being one of the best races in the world when it comes to the usage and understanding of magic.
Abilities -
Magic Affinity = Elves are quite capable of magic, having a natural affinity to it, being able to learn up to 5 more spells than the average spell user. And learn much faster. This also allows them to have greater magic than humans, up to 2.5x more than a human.
Hunting = Due to years of spending time in the forests they are naturally great hunters, with great accuracy and hunting instincts.
Unique Body = Elves have a unique body build with them being slimmer in shape, yet retaining the physical capabilities of an adult human. They also do not age past their early adulthood in looks, keeping them beautiful.
Magic Mastery = Some elves are so good at magic, that after years of research, they can learn 5 more spells than their already existing spell limit. And understand magical concepts to a greater length. These elves have greater magic than their younger kind, up to 3x more than a human.
Enhanced Senses = Some elves due to hunting being in their very blood, can enhance their senses up to 4 times the average human amount.
Mana Sensing = Some elves have a high enough affinity with mana that allows them to see the flow of mana around them and within things freely, even being able to tell them apart.
Weaknesses -
Endurance = Elves tend to take damage very easily with less durability than a common human.
Mana Overuse = When using too much mana an elf can essentially burn their mana out making them incapable of using it for a period of time, and making them weaker.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Rait
Appearance -
Raits are humanoid in shape, distinguishable by their vibrant blue or pink eyes. A diamond-shaped gem is always embedded into their body, usually found on their wrist, chest, or forehead, encircled by intricate tattoo-like markings; these gems glow faintly when their magic is active.
Information -
Raits are a race of people who were once fully human but diverged over generations after developing a unique ability to harness their mana differently. Originally created by a group of humans unable to use traditional magic, they devised a method to channel their mana into powerful, personalized equipment. Over time, this practice passed down through bloodlines, causing an evolutionary shift that established the Raits as a distinct race.
Their weapons and armor, referred to as 'Suits' or 'Mana Weapons', are exclusive to each individual, reflecting their personality and life experiences. Once a Rait bonds with their equipment, it becomes an extension of them, capable of evolving with the user over time.
Historically, Raits were scorned by spell-casting humans who viewed them as magically inferior. However, through generations of perseverance and battle, they earned recognition and respect and today, they live harmoniously within human society, seamlessly blending in without fear of prejudice.
Despite their strengths, Raits have difficulty reproducing, keeping their numbers low. Their rarity and their powerful equipment make them both highly valued and feared on the battlefield.
Abilities -
Suit Raits
Suit = Each Rait summons a unique suit of armor or clothing, perfectly fitted to their body. This suit offers both physical protection and unique magical abilities tied to the wearer’s personality.
Enhanced Suit Strength = Wearing the suit grants 3x physical strength and speed compared to a normal human.
Adaptive Suit = The suit passively evolves over time, gaining new resistance based on the Rait’s experiences.
Mana Weapon Raits
Mana Weapon = The Rait manifests a weapon that reflects their personality. This weapon can take any form, from traditional swords to unconventional items like lanterns or musical instruments. With its own unique abilities.
Mana-Infused Strikes = The Rait channels mana into their weapon, adding magical effects and increasing attack power and capabilities by 2x.
Mana Boosting = The Rait can enhance their strength or speed by 3x while wielding their weapon for 5 turns. This has an 8-turn cooldown.
Suit Raits
Defensive Mode = The suit creates a temporary shield that blocks attacks for 3 turns, with a 5 turn cooldown.
Remote Suit Control = The Rait can control their suit remotely, moving it like an extension of their body.
Mana Weapon Raits
Weapon Cloning = The Rait creates a temporary duplicate of their weapon for dual-wielding. The clone lasts for 6 turns and has a 10 turn cooldown.
Weapon Mastery = Over time, the weapon grows stronger, unlocking new abilities and adapting to the user’s combat style.
Suit Raits​
Sentient Suit = Some suits develop semi-sentience, acting on their own to protect the wearer or even offering strategic guidance during combat.
Mana Weapon Raits
Living Weapon = In rare cases, a Rait’s weapon develops limited sentience, acting on its own to defend the user or execute attacks independently.
Weaknesses -
Human body = Raits have the same physical vulnerabilities as humans when not using their equipment.
Gem = Damage to the embedded gem causes excruciating pain, requiring one month to regenerate fully.
Magic = Raits cannot use conventional magic due to the nature of their mana channeling.
Permanent = A Rait’s suit or weapon is fixed upon manifestation and cannot be changed or replaced.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Human
Appearance -
They are humans, normal-looking humans.
Information -
Humans are the first race that Kami made, and the building template for most of the other races. They have the most variety and are one of, if not the, most populated races in Shinseina.
Humans have existed since the beginning of the races, roaming and ruling for ages, always adapting to whatever situation they are put in and surviving even though more powerful races and monsters roam the world. Everyone knows what a human is, for there is no Shinseina without humans.
Abilities -
Adaptability = Humans are one of the best races in the world when it comes to adapting to situations, having to do so to survive, due to this they naturally adapt fast to any environmental situation than other races.
Hard Living = Humans are one of the most populated races for a reason, being quite hard to kill due to how fast they repopulate and their good sense of danger.
Kami's Blessing = Being the first race made by Kami, they are some that are still blessed by them.
Weaknesses -
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Sandevil
Appearance -
Sandevils are humanoid, with yellow to reddish-brown skin that resembles smooth stone in texture. They have angular features, golden eyes with double eyelids, and usually darker hair tones. Their hands have four clawed fingers, and their feet have three sharp-toed claws. They are usually muscular but lean, built for endurance rather than sheer bulk.
Information -
Sandevils evolved from humans to adapt to harsh desert and mountainous environments, their bodies developing increased strength, stamina, and resistance to extreme heat. They use their claws for both combat and burrowing, creating underground shelters for protection from predators and the elements.
Despite their formidable physical traits, Sandevils harbor deep-seated resentment toward outsiders due to a history of being hunted by humans. Though a treaty ended these persecutions, many Sandevils remained distrustful and preferred to stay in isolation away from other people, and only amongst their kind. Most live nomadically, traveling in small groups through deserts or mountains, rarely mingling with other races.
Sandevils rely heavily on their instincts and physical prowess, though some are capable of limited earth-based magic which grants them a special place amongst the race. Their incredible endurance and precision make them unmatched hunters, however, their natural independence makes cooperation difficult, even within their own race.
Though they are uncommon due to their isolated lifestyle, encountering a Sandevil isn’t impossible, particularly in open deserts or remote mountainous regions known for tourism.
Abilities -
Digging = Their claws can easily burrow through sand, rock, or clay, allowing them to dig tunnels or trenches in minutes.
Tough Skin = Their stone-like skin grants resistance to slashing and blunt attacks, reducing incoming damage. Granting them a 4x human durability.
Heat Resistance = They are immune to heat exhaustion and take no damage from non-magical fire.
Enhanced Strength = They possess 4x the physical strength of an average human.
Enhanced Stamina = Sandevils can exert themselves for long periods without tiring, often lasting twice as long as a normal human.
Earth Affinity = Sandevils have a close affinity for the earth, granting them a boost of 2x compared to a human.
Tremor Sense = They can detect vibrations through the ground up to 50 meters away, sensing movement underground or pinpointing nearby threats.
Earth Manipulation = Some Sandevils can manipulate small quantities of earth and stone, controlling terrain within 20 meters.
Heat Burst = In hotter environments, they can expel a sudden wave of heat from their bodies, causing minor burns to anyone within 5 meters with a cooldown of 5 turns.
Sand Cloak = Some Sandevils can generate a swirling layer of sand around them for 5 turns, reducing visibility and causing attacks against them to have a 50% chance to miss. Afterward, it enters a cooldown of 8 turns.
Lockjaw = A rare ability where Sandevils can lock their joints, reducing incoming damage by 50% for 5 turns. Afterward, their movements become sluggish for 3 turns, and can't use it again for 8 turns.
Venomous Claws = Rare individuals secrete venom through their claws, causing paralysis for 2 turns if it enters the bloodstream.
Seismic Stomp = They can release a shockwave through the ground, disrupting enemies and terrain within a 15-meter radius. Has a cooldown of 10 turns after being used once.
Weaknesses -
Cold = Sandevils are extremely vulnerable to cold environments, suffering penalties for their strength and stamina in cold climates.
Eyes = Damage to their eyes, particularly the second eyelid, causes severe pain and temporarily blinds them.
Armpits = Their armpits are the only parts not covered by hardened skin, making them a critical weak point.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Sungazer
Appearance -
They resemble humans in form, with skin tones that are usually darker in shade, as if they were tinted over. They are known to have bright green eyes that are easily noticeable because of their clover-like pattern, along with a plant-like stem that comes out from the top of their head.
Information -
Sungazers are a race of people that are believed to be related to the dryads, or similar plant-based races, due to their ability to derive their energy from the sun, they can even harvest its energy for magical output if enough is accumulated inside of them.
They are a nomadic race of people, often moving from place to place and living in the open sun so that they can enjoy all the benefits of it. Due to this, encountering the race isn't uncommon but not very easy, as they don't often stay in one place for long. While not as known as Drayds, many still know of their existence and think of them quite fairly, however, some exist that hunt them down for the stem on their heads that can be useful for alchemy.
The stem on their head is the most important part of their body, using this they collect sunlight and store it; making it vital to their life, and thus, their most protected body part, since it doesn't heal once broken.
While not high in numbers, they also aren't low in numbers as other races, making them quite normal among all the races that roam the world.
Abilities -
Sunlight Energy = The more sunlight they absorb and sun, the more energy they have and the stronger they are, with their physical strength being able to reach up to 3 times that of a human, with speed almost 2 times faster.
Sunlight Healing = They can channel sunlight through their body, to speed up their healing process, being able to heal up to 3 times as fast as a human when used, however, this drains their energy.
Solidification = This gives sungazers the ability to make regular weapons out of surrounding heat, solidifying it to the level of stone, which they can wield.
Sunlight Bomb = Some have gained the ability to make motionless land mines out of energy, these explode upon impact causing damage, a sungazer can only make 5 at a time before needing to recharge.
Sunlight Beam = Some can channel the sunlight in their body, to shoot out a beam from their mouth, eyes, or hands, that can burn anything it comes in contact with. The stronger this beam is, and larger, the faster it burns energy.
Sun Bomb = Rarely, a Sungazer can channel sunlight from either their body or the sun if it’s in view of the area above them. After charging for a turn, they can throw a massive ball of sunlight in one direction, causing enough damage that even dragons would be seriously injured in a 20 meter radius. The ball doesn’t travel that fast.
Weaknesses -
Stem = If the stem is hurt or damaged, it pains a lot. If it is destroyed, they will die.
Sunlight = A lack of sunlight means a lack of energy, which can kill them.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Sylvari
Appearance -
Sylvaries are small humanoids with delicate, fairy-like features and a figure that is slim and smaller than normal. Their crystal-like wings shimmer with vibrant colors, and their glowing gemstone eyes emit an enchanting glow fueled by the mana that flows in them. Their hair and eyes often reflect their magic affinity, shifting through vibrant colors and misty features.
Information -
Sylvaries are a rare magical race born with an innate connection to ambient mana, believed to be embodying magic itself rather than nature. Ancient myths about fairies stem from encounters with Sylvaries, whose presence and ethereal looks leave lasting impressions on those they meet.
Unlike many other magical beings, Sylvaries focus primarily on general magic mastery rather than traditional nature spells or one specific branch of magic. Their unique ability to manipulate raw mana makes them highly respected in magical communities, especially for their skills in enchanting, spell crafting, and advanced magic rituals.
Although cheerful and easygoing by nature, Sylvaries can struggle with the overwhelming flow of magic within them. Their wings serve as conduits to regulate excess mana, but overuse can cause burnout, leaving them temporarily weakened. As a result, Sylvaries are often seen as fragile but brilliant, thriving in intellectual and magical pursuits over physical combat.
Sylvaries reproduce through mana-sharing rituals. This intimate exchange of energy between partners forms an egg, which hatches into a young Sylvari. Each Sylvari can only produce one child in their lifetime, a fact that contributes to their rarity and their deep family bond.
Abilities -
Flight = Their crystal wings grant nimble flight, though carrying heavy objects causes strain.
Magic Affinity = Sylvaries have a natural connection to magic, doing it 3x better than humans and casting spells with greater precision.
Friendly Aura = They have a naturally friendly aura that makes people near them be more friendly and less hostile to them. This is something they passively have on, with no control over.
Mana Overflow = Their bodies generate more mana than average, providing a larger reserve for casting spells, though this requires careful regulation.
Enchanted Presence = Their aura subtly enhances magical effects around them, making nearby spells more potent by 25%.
Mana Sharing = Some Sylvaries can transfer mana to others, replenishing a target’s reserves while depleting their own.
Crystal Wings = Stronger Sylvaries can solidify their wings temporarily into razor-sharp blades, usable in both flight and combat for 6 turns with a 10 turn cooldown.
Mirror Spell = They can temporarily copy and cast any non-unique spell they witness within the last 3 turns, with a cooldown of 10 turns. However, it can't be B Rank or above.
Mystic Channel = In magical environments, they can absorb ambient mana to enhance their spell power by 2x for 5 turns.
Arcane Conduit = Rare Sylvaries can transform into pure mana for 3 turns, becoming untouchable by physical means and enhancing magic use by 3x. Afterward, it goes on a cooldown of 8 turns and leaves them weakened.
Spellweaver’s Halo = Some Sylvaries manifest a magical halo that grants them the ability to cast an additional spell for 10 turns. This has a cooldown of 20 turns.
Weaknesses -
Weak Body = Sylvaries are physically weak, with little endurance and poor resistance to physical attacks.
Crystal Wings = Damage to their wings disrupts their ability to fly and channel mana properly, leaving them disoriented.
Magical Burnout = Overusing magic can cause them to lose control, rendering them unable to cast spells until they recover.
Lifespan -
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[Human Clan] Cyborg
Appearance -
They are humans who have been genetically and physically altered with Mana-tech, making them physically have constructed parts.
Information -
Cyborgs are less so a race of people, and more so an artificially created innovation of people, that has recently come to be because of the advancement of technology.
Since the invention of Mana-tech, humans have worked and researched ways to implement this new technology in ways that could better benefit their race, and, as a result, they have come up with the concept of 'Cyborgs'.
Using Mana-tech, they genetically enhance a human body, followed close by implanting a Mana-tech part that only recognizes and works for that genetic coding, making it so the person, and only the person, can control their newly Constructed body part.
As of now, this technology is largely limited to humans, due to the safe-keeping of the company that created it, making it impossible for any other race to get their hands on, and even quite hard for less rich humans to afford.
Abilities -
Cybernetic Capabilities = They start with 2 extra pieces of equipment that’s been integrated into their body.
Weaknesses -
Water = Sometimes water can damage parts of the construct.
Electricity = Sometimes electricity or lightning can mess with parts.
Mana Overload = Mana can sometimes overload the runes in the Mana-tech, leading to it being damaged.
Cybernetic Cost = Due to the nature of cybernetics, their magic can be anywhere from 10% - 40% weaker than a human.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Human Clan] Trikrue
Appearance -
They are humanoid in form with a rather buff build, often being on the larger built side even for females of the race. They have ashy grey skin that is often covered in war paint or natural born birthmarks in the form of spots, meant to show just how thick their bloodline is, with the thicker one having more dots. They have slightly pointed ears, but it isn't any longer than normal.
Information -
Trikrues are a race of people that are believed to be an evolutionary path taken by a group of humans that focused primarily on battle and war, living with the environment rather than against it, as such they evolved into a new race over time.
The race has been around for a long time but due to their nature, they often remain hidden from sight and only really get involved in battles or can be found in thick environmental areas where wildlife roam. Their culture often focuses on the hunting and killing prey from a very young age, with a rite of passage being able to kill a D rank alone at the young age of 12, and from there they wear the bones of the creature as clothing as a sign of respect and honor.
They are praised for being great hunters and survivors, with a lot of abilities that focus on surviving and dealing with the harsh environments of the world rather than directly fighting a battle head-on, very few have evolved the abilities to control bones at will.
While uncommon they aren't completely rare, and can even be encountered if one searches for them in harsh environments such as the high plains, forests, and even the swamp.
Abilities -
Camouflage - They have the natural ability to cloak their bodies to match with their surrounding, and even slightly dampen sensing abilities used on them.
Enhanced Brain Speed - They have a heightened speed in which their brain works, working up to 2x faster than that of a normal human, including not only reaction time but learning time and processing time.
Trap Making - Some of them have the ability to make traps using their mind, mimicking forms that they know about or create as long as they have the design in their mind clearly.
Enhanced Physic - They are all 3x as physically fit as a human.
Bone Manipulation - In some rare cases they have the ability to manipulate and create bones within a 30 meter range around them, however, they can't control bones inside other living beings.
Mimic - They are able to temporarily turn their body into a black slimy liquid that can take on any form and temporarily gain the physical capabilities of the mimicked form within a frame of 5 turns with a cooldown of 15 turns.
Bone Lord - In some rare cases they are able to call upon the powers of bone in order to temporarily enter a form coated in hardened bone, as strong as steel, and in this form, they can control and create bone within a range of 60 meters for a period of 6 turns with a cooldown of 40 turns.
Weaknesses -
Bloodline - Weaker members of the bloodline need to feed on the blood and meat of faunas over E rank in order to survive often.
Etomaia - They have a weak physical and emotional state during a 2-4 period each month, in which their strength drops to that even below a human, and their magic work weirdly.
Lifespan -
Extra -
