Beast Clan Races
A collection of races that belong to, or are recognized for being commonly found within the 'Beast Clan'. For further information related to Beasts, be sure to check out here.
[Beast Clan] Beastman
Appearance -
They are humanoid in form and figure, with animal-like features decorating their body, often varying. They can have a tail, ears, horns, fur, slit eyes, or other similar features.
Information -
Beastmen are a race of people that are often considered to be a mixture of human genetic and animal genetics, making them a new race altogether.
Beastmen are one of the very first races that were said to be made by Kami, having roamed the world for ages, and as such, they are one of the most populated races and widely known and accepted as such. They are one of the forefathers and main figures in the Beast Clan.
They can be various types of beastmen, based on different types of animals, be it dogs, cats, rats, fish, etc. As long as the animal exists, they can be it. And have many traits of said animal.
Beastmen are quite a populated race, being in the top 5 most populated races in the world, with many varieties of them that form their own sub-communities within the race.
Abilities -
Animal Nature = They have some of the abilities of the animal they are mixed with.
Hunting Instincts = They are great natural hunters, with great instincts, especially when backed into a corner.
Venomous Bite = They have the ability to slow down the healing process of whatever they bite, or in some cases scratch.
Beastial Magic = They’re able to use magic effectively that coincides with their animal half.
Beast Tongue = Some beastmen are capable of talking to animals.
Animal Relations = Some beastmen can blend in with the animal they’re half of, being seen as another of their species.
Wild Dominance = Some Beastmen can temporarily enhance their animal attributes by 4x what they were for 6 turns. This leaves their senses halved once over with a 13-turn cooldown.
Weaknesses -
Animal Weaknesses = They have weaknesses and limits based on the animal they are mixed with.
Magic = They aren’t very good at magic not related to their animal half.
Lifespan -
Extra -
They can only be half of a real, existing, non-extinct animal.

[Beast Clan] Demi-Dragon
Appearance -
They look humanoid in form with features that resemble that of a reptile, or better yet, a dragon. With common features being wings, a large reptilian tail, or in some cases a horn or two. Some even have scales on parts of their body.
Information -
Demi-Dragons are a race of people that were blessed and imbued with power by ancient dragons, later evolving into the race now known as Demi-Dragons.
Many believe that Demi-Dragons are actually the children of Dragons and a Human, but this has been proven to be incorrect, and instead, they are just Humans that were either blessed by a Dragon or are from a bloodline that has been blessed by one.
Being blessed by dragons, they are capable of draconic feats and have a higher affinity with draconic creatures. Along with their change in mana, granting them what is known as Draconic Mana, a trait all draconic beings have.
While not common, Demi-Dragons are still quite rare to see, leading people to rarely interact with one. Many dragons don't accept Demi-Dragons, or see them as lesser versions, due to the fact that they are.
Abilities -
Draconic Feature = They can use the dragon-like features they were born with at will, for things such as flight, tail attacks, or more. Also being able to retract these features to hide them.
Physical Capabilities = They are at the very least 3 times stronger than the average human, with some well-trained ones being up to 5 times stronger.
Draconic Magic = Their draconic blessing allows for them to be 2x better at magic than a human.
Dragon’s Breath = Some can breathe fire, water, or in some cases even mist.
Half-Scales = Some can grow dragon scales temporarily over parts of their body for 3 turns. This has a cooldown of 7 turns and will leave them with rashes over the affected areas. Once over, the dragon scales will wither away into ash.
Draconic Form = Some demi-dragons bloodlines that have been blessed exceptionally well can temporarily transform into a dragon for 5 turns, although only half the size as one. This has exhausting effects once over, with a 22 turn cooldown.
Weaknesses -
Humanity = They still have a fundamentally human body, which can be hurt.
Blood of a Dog = Poisonous to them for whatever reason.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Faun
Appearance -
Fauns are humanoid in shape, typically with various skin tones and goat-like features. They have the ears, tails, legs, and often horns of a goat, with patches of fur on various parts of their bodies, particularly their lower half, hands, and sometimes their chest. Their physique is lean and agile, suited for dancing and movement.
Information -
Fauns are believed to share a distant genetic link with goats, granting them a humanoid form enhanced by animal traits. Their goat-like features give them both physical advantages and an air of playfulness, making them beloved companions for festivals and gatherings.
Known for their charisma and love of party, fauns are natural entertainers and are often sought after as storytellers, musicians, and bards. Their musical talents are not just limited to instruments as they also weave magic into their music, using the songs and magic to make it come alive.
In addition to music, fauns excel in illusionary magic, incorporating it seamlessly into their performances and tales. Illusions enhance their storytelling, making their audience feel as though they are living the events being told.
Despite their carefree nature, fauns can be formidable when needed, particularly those born with rare abilities. However, a serious or somber faun is considered a rare sight, most prefer to live joyfully, traveling from place to place in search of merriment.
Abilities -
Illusionary Magic = Fauns have a natural talent for illusionary magic, receiving a 2x boost to all illusion-related spells.
Storytelling = Fauns are masterful storytellers, excelling in crafting both real and fictional tales. Their performances are enhanced when accompanied by music. When they tell a story it feels alive, real.
Goat Features = Their goat-like limbs grant them enhanced balance, agility, and climbing skills. Granting them a boost of 5x to their speed and agility.
Music Affinity = Fauns are naturally adept at using music to influence emotions and conjure magic, with a 2.5x boost to music-related spells or abilities.
Ram Strength = Some fauns develop powerful neck muscles, giving them 4x durability and strength in their head and neck.
Whisper = A rare gift that allows certain fauns to plant subtle thoughts or whispers into the minds of those they speak to.
Aura of Merriment = Some fauns emit a soothing, joyful aura that reduces hostility around them, making combatants hesitate to attack.
Enchanted Horns = Fauns with majestic, enchanted horns possess heightened charisma. Their mere presence inspires hesitation in others, often forcing attackers to falter for a moment before striking.
Symphonic Magic = In rare cases, fauns can harmonize music and magic, using songs to cast powerful spells that are 4x stronger.
Weaknesses -
Magic = They are bad at other types of magic besides illusions and music.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Furry
Appearance -
A race of anthropomorphic animals that have evolved to be humanoid in form and shape, looking much like a human that still has mainly animal traits. They retain their animal traits such as fur, tails, ears, and so on, looking primarily like a humanoid animal.
Information -
Furries are a race of people that are believed to be evolved animals, or animals that have gained the intelligence and abilities of a human, with most being able to walk on two limbs, speak, and even study knowledge.
Furries rarely interact with other races outside of the beast clan, preferring to form their own sub-communities within their own race and live in seclusion.
They all have traits and abilities they would have as an animal, even more so than a normal Beastman, making them very versatile when it comes to capabilities.
Furries are a race.
Abilities -
Animal Nature = They have the abilities of the animal they are.
Astute Senses = Some Furries are able to have 3x their normal senses regardless of their animal.
Animal Tongue = Some Furries are able to talk to animals.
New Coat = Very rarely, a Furry is capable of growing a new layer of skin/fur at will, healing any wounds to their skin immediately and sealing them from losing blood externally. This does not do anything for internal wounds.
Weaknesses -
Animal Weakness = They are weak or limited by the thing their animal is too.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Harpy
Appearance -
Harpies have humanoid upper bodies with distinct birdlike traits. Their large, expressive eyes and feathered hair run from the base of their neck down to a very short tail of feathers. Their arms are wings, allowing them to glide when young and fly when matured; with legs covered in scales, ending in sharp talons capable of powerful strikes. While their lightweight, hollow bones grant agility, they are more prone to fractures than other races.
Information -
Harpies are highly inquisitive beings known for their love of exploration, adventure, and beauty, often drawn to shiny objects. Their friendly but flighty nature makes them popular among other races, but they rarely remain in one place for long, preferring open skies to enclosed spaces.
Harpies excel at flight, both in speed and control, making them some of the best aerial hunters out of all the races. Their sharp talons, combined with mastery over wind magic, enable them to perform devastating airborne attacks and control the air with their abilities. While they enjoy friendly interactions, they tend to nest in high places like mountain peaks, far from civilization.
Though not physically strong or durable, harpies compensate with exceptional mobility and the ability to manipulate wind. Their hollow bones, while making them agile in the air, leave them vulnerable in physical confrontations, but they make up for that by simply avoiding getting hit.
Due to their love for creativity, some harpies develop magical abilities through different forms of art, using them to enchant others. Their enchanting abilities, along with their birdlike charm, make them compelling entertainers.
Abilities -
Flight = Harpies are natural flyers capable of carrying twice their body weight mid-flight. They excel at aerial maneuverability, giving them an edge in combat. While flying they are 6x the speed of a normal human.
Wind Magic = Harpies possess a natural affinity for wind-based magic, granting them 2x proficiency in wind-related spells and the ability to create gusts of wind from their wings.
Talons = Their talons are powerful enough to rip through iron, with durability close to iron as well.
Keen Eyesight = Harpies have exceptional vision, allowing them to spot small objects or prey from great distances, even in poor lighting conditions. With 6x the normal sight of a human.
Supersized Lift = Some harpies develop wingspans of up to 5 meters, doubling their flight speed and carrying capacity.
Pinpoint Feathers = Certain harpies grow feathers as strong as iron and can fire them as projectiles with precision.
Aerial Arts = Some harpies can use their wings to bend and move air around them to create powerful gusts or blades of wind.
Magical Arts = A few harpies can enchant others through various art forms, such as music, painting or even writing, manipulating emotions or inducing temporary calm.
Aerial Dominion = Rare harpies can manipulate wind currents in the range of 25 meters around them, granting them an advantage for 8 turns, with a cooldown of 10 turns.
Weaknesses -
Physically = Their hollow bones make them susceptible to fractures and physical damage.
Wings = Damage or injury to their wings can incapacitate them and take time to heal.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Kitsune
Appearance -
They are humanoid in form, with a very human look, aside from the fact that they are commonly good-looking. They are known to be very charming, with the features of a fox, such as tails, ears, or even eyes. Most even tend to have sharp teeth similar to a fox, and a coarse tongue that is rough to the touch.
Information -
Kitsunes are a race of people that is believed to be derived from the bloodline of lycanthropes originally, but due to a genetic mutation, branched off and became a race of their own.
Much like their lycanthropes, they have traits and capabilities of a fox, even going so far as being able to transform into a large fox. Since they take a lot of their traits from foxes, not only are they charming, but they are also somewhat cunning, often making them stand out amongst crowds. They are often seen in positions such as models, often gaining fame for their charm.
Kitsunes are believed to be based around fire and illusions. They are even some sayings that they were blessed by the Demi-God of the Sun.
The strength of a kitsune is believed to be directly linked to how many tails they have, meaning the stronger a kitsune is, the more tails they tend to have. The strongest recorded kitsune is said to have around 12 tails, but the common amount is 2-3.
Abilities -
Fox Attributes = They have the abilities and skills of a fox when in fox form, and even in normal form retain some.
Fox Changing = They can transform into a fox, varying in size depending on their strength.
Fire Magic = They are better at fire-based magic than they are for other types of magic, being 1.5x as good at fire magic as humans.
Illusionary Magic = Some are known to be able to make people see minor illusions, along with giving them 2.5x better illusion magic.
Tail Boost = Some are capable of having 4 - 6 tails, granting them up to twice the magical power they normally would have. This does not stack for fire magic, only raises it up to 2x.
7 Tails = Very very rarely, a Kitsune obtains or is born with 7 tails, causing their magic to be 3x as powerful as a human.
Demi-Gods Blessing = Some kitsunes are said to be blessed by the demi-god of the sun, though very rare. Granting them the ability to temporarily ignite their entire body in flames, boosting all fire-based magic by 5 times the original for 5 turns, with a cooldown of 40 turns. Facing massive physical and mental drawbacks afterward.
Weaknesses -
Physically = They aren’t very strong, only being around the strength of a normal human.
Ice = They are sensitive to the cold, and thus weak to ice or snow-based magic.
Mirrors = Mirrors, of any form, break their illusions.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Lamia
Appearance -
Lamias possess the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake, with scales covering their serpentine half and some parts of their upper body. These scales vary in color and hardness, often indicating their lineage, it can range from simple tones to even mixed colors. Their eyes can either have rounded or slit pupils, with slit pupils being a sign of venomous capabilities; all Lamias possess a forked tongue, enhancing their sensory abilities.
Information -
Lamias are a blend of human and serpent, with many myths claiming they were once snakes blessed with humanoid forms, starting the Lamia bloodline, however, such myths have never been confirmed. Their bodies reflect the balance of strength, flexibility, and danger that defines their nature as a snake.
They are reclusive by nature and generally avoid interactions with other races on a daily basis, leading to a neutral reputation. Their behavior is often misunderstood due to the limited encounters others have with them leaving many to be somewhat wary of them. Lamias are strict carnivores, relying solely on meat-based diets, and are known to avoid social situations where they can't easily hunt or feast.
The serpentine lower half of Lamias grants them unparalleled flexibility and movement, making them exceptional hunters. They use their snake-like senses and abilities to navigate through their environments, often preferring dense forests or tropical climates. Many possess venomous abilities, further enhancing their prowess however this depends on their bloodline.
In recent years, the younger generation of Lamias has begun to mingle with other races, breaking the isolationist traditions of their ancestors. This change has increased encounters with Lamias, creating opportunities for them to integrate with the wider world but with it comes the danger of hunting.
Abilities -
Snake Abilities = Lamias possess typical snake traits, including excellent movement, flexibility, and heightened reflexes. They have 5x the ability of a normal human.
Jacobson’s Organ = Their forked tongue allows them to detect smells and pheromones in the air within a range of 50 meters.
Constriction = Lamias can coil their lower body around targets, applying pressure that can incapacitate or immobilize opponents.
Heat Detection = Lamias have the ability to sense heat signatures in their environment, helping them locate prey even in complete darkness.
Hard Scales = Lamias have hard scales, which are 4x as durable as a human in most cases.
Venom = Some Lamias possess venom that can paralyze a target’s limb for 3 turns. Repeated bites can cause severe infection if untreated.
Serpentine Camouflage = Certain Lamias can blend perfectly with their surroundings, rendering themselves and their equipment nearly invisible for 5 turns, with a cooldown of 8 turns.
Rapid Shedding = Some Lamias have the ability to shed their skin instantly, removing all minor poison, disease, or magical effects, with a cooldown of 10 turns.
Poison Prominence = Some Lamias possess a magical affinity for poisons, enhancing any poison they touch to 3x its original potency and making their magic naturally poisonous.
Serpent Dominion = Rare Lamias can control lesser serpents in the area, using them to scout, attack, or assist in combat.
Weaknesses -
Sensitive Tail = Injuries to their tail cause significant pain and impair their movement.
Cold = They can’t survive in the cold for long times, often being weak to ice or snow.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Sakana
Appearance -
Sakanas are humanoid in form, distinguished by webbed fingers and toes that assist in swimming. They possess gills on their necks and faces, allowing them to breathe underwater with eyes covered with a thin, clear membrane for underwater vision. Some individuals have scales across parts of their bodies, shimmering with colors associated with various fish species.
Information -
Sakanas are a race of aquatic beings that have adapted to freshwater lakes but are also capable of surviving in the ocean, however, they do not prefer it. Their evolutionary path has made them more suited to lakes, where they build communities and thrive as one of the few races with the ability to live underwater fully.
While primarily dwelling in lakes, some Sakana make their way to the ocean, interacting with other aquatic races but they do not like the taste of it. Their ability to breathe air for extended periods enables them to engage with surface-dwelling people far more frequently than merfolks and their mobility gives them the freedom to live on both land and water.
Sakanas exhibit traits associated with various aquatic creatures, enhancing their adaptability and physical capabilities underwater. Their unique capabilities allow them to navigate through water seamlessly and utilize limited water manipulation, making them adept swimmers and allow them to be useful in both combat and day-to-day needs.
Known for their laid-back and peaceful demeanor, Sakanas tend to avoid conflicts, preferring to enjoy life among their communities. However, when provoked or their homes are threatened, they can become formidable defenders.
Abilities -
Water Breathing = Sakanas can breathe underwater effortlessly and on land for up to 3 days without needing to return to the water.
Aquatic Physiology = Their webbed fingers, toes, and fin-like limbs give them superior swimming capabilities, making them 6x as fast and agile underwater than a human.
Fish Traits = They inherit specific traits based on the aquatic species their lineage is tied to, such as enhanced vision or sharp fins.
Water Manipulation = They can control water sources in a range of 25 meters of them, using them at will for purposes such as creating waves, moving currents, or dousing fires.
Water Affinity = Their water-based magic is 3x stronger than that of a human.
Water Strength = Some individuals possess enhanced underwater strength, making them 4x as strong and durable as a human underwater.
Regenerative Scales = Certain Sakana possess the ability to regenerate minor injuries while submerged, with significant healing requiring a cooldown of 10 turns.
Hybrid Fish Traits = A rare few Sakanas inherit traits from two different fish species, granting them enhanced abilities such as camouflage, electric shocks, or bioluminescence.
Tidal Surge = In rare instances, a Sakana can summon a powerful surge of water, either to push back enemies or create barriers, with a cooldown of 12 turns.
Weaknesses -
Lack of water = Sakanas must submerge themselves in water or drink significant amounts daily. If they go 6 days without water, they will weaken and die.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Sileni
Appearance -
Silenis appear human from the waist up, but their lower half is entirely that of a horse with all the capabilities of one. Their horse bodies vary in type, size, and color, ranging from sleek racing breeds to powerful warhorses with various colors to match.
Information -
Silenis are a unique race of people, merging the strength and endurance of horses with the intelligence and charisma of humans granting them a new form and life. Some legends say they were born from a cursed horse, while others believe they are blessed by nature itself and that was how they got their form. Regardless of the truth, what they are in this day and age is part of the world.
Known for their carefree and sociable nature, Silenis tend to live in harmony with others, enjoying gatherings, festivals, and communal living. Their vegan diet aligns with their love of nature and gentle temperament, reinforcing their friendly reputation, however, they aren't unable to eat meat, they simply prefer not to. They are generally seen as reliable companions, although their laid-back attitude can make them seem irresponsible that is not true in the slightest.
With the powerful stamina and speed of a horse, Silenis can travel vast distances without tiring, this alone makes them excellent scouts and travelers, but their endurance and other capabilities even further prove this. Their natural connection to magic tied to the earth grants them modest control over nature.
Silenis are a common race, with high birth rates ensuring their presence throughout the Beast Clan. They are often found in large herds or communities, thriving both within cities and rural areas.
Abilities -
Horse Nature = They possess the abilities and endurance of horses, allowing them to run at high speeds for long distances without tiring. This grants them 4x speed, 6x stamina, 3x durability, and 3x strength of a human.
Nature Magic = They have an affinity for nature-based magic, which is 2x stronger than that of humans.
Powerful Kick = Even without specialized training, their kicks are naturally devastating and can easily break bones.
Animal's Friend = They can speak to and understand various animals and are naturally liked by them as well.
Stampede = Some Silenis can generate immense forward momentum while charging, doubling their ramming strength for 5 turns with a cooldown of 10 turns.
Regenerative Hooves = A few Silenis can regenerate cracked or damaged hooves and bones instantly when in contact with soil.
Jawbreaking Kick = Their kick strength can be further enhanced to 4x normal force for 3 turns, with a cooldown of 4 turns.
Hardening = A rare trait that allows a Sileni to harden their hooves and legs to the durability of 8x human for 3 turns, with a cooldown of 8 turns.
Earthmeld = Some Silenis possess the ability to briefly sink into the ground, becoming one with the earth and avoiding physical attacks for 2 turns, with a cooldown of 10 turns.
Weaknesses -
Horse Weakness = They suffer from the same vulnerabilities as horses, such as difficulty climbing steep areas and susceptibility to leg injuries.
Cold Sensitivity = They struggle in extremely cold environments, with their speed and stamina drastically reduced in icy conditions.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Spider Weaver
Appearance -
They look human in the figure, but have multiple extra eyes alongside their main eyes, along with pincers inside their mouth. They have six extra spider-like limbs growing from their back in which they can control at will, these are usually covered in very small hair that is sensitive.
Information -
Spider Weavers are a race of people that are related to spiders in their DNA, which all have some form of spider-like features and abilities.
They are known to enjoy eating bugs, which a lot of people find weird, and due to their sensitivity to heat, they rarely move around during the daytime, often staying to themselves. These facts add to the reason why they are rarely interacted with, and deemed weirdos by quite a few people, even hated by people that dislike bugs.
Being part spider, they have most of the capabilities of a spider, such as creating webs, climbing on walls, and even strong limbs. Some can even inflict venomous bites.
While not rare, Spider Weavers are uncommon to encounter in the common populace, leading to the weird misconception about them to keep spreading to people unaware of what they are actually like.
Abilities -
Spider Abilities = They can use the abilities of spiders.
Iron Web = They are said to be able to create a fine web-like string that is as strong as piano wire.
Acid Spit = Some are capable of spitting out an acidic substance able to melt through wood in 4 turns.
Little Spies = Some are capable of producing up to 6 spiders with a distinctive red line going down the middle that swirls at the head. They can see through these spiders along with commanding them, but the spiders aren’t harmful any more than being creepy.
Arachnid Queen = Very very rarely, a female Spider Weaver is capable of becoming a Queen. This allows them to produce up to 15 human-sized spiders capable of being on par with an ifrit.
Weaknesses -
Heat = They are sensitive to heat, and fear strong heat. Being weak to fire or flame-based things.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Lycanthrope
Appearance -
They look like regular humans, with either black, blue, or even yellow pupils. Some have features such as a tail, fur, or even ears related to the animal that they are bonded with.
Information -
Lycanthropes are a race of people that have existed for a long time and are said to be mixed with the spirit of an animal, granting them the abilities of one.
Lycanthropes are one of the most popular and common races in the Beast Clan, along with the world, being in the top 10 most populated races. But the race itself is made up of many sub-races and cultures that tend to do their own things, from werewolves to werebears and more.
Lycanthropes are able to shift from their human form to an animal form at will, granting them the abilities of the animal. Few can go to an in-between form, being half animal and half human at the same time.
Being such a popular race, and populated one, meeting one isn't all that uncommon, and it's highly likely to bump into one without even knowing it in the Beast Clan.
Abilities -
Lycan Shapeshifting = They can shapeshift into the form of an animal.
Animal Abilities = While in animal form, and in some cases outside it, they have animal-like abilities.
Howl = They can release a loud howl, which gathers any nearby animals of their kind within a 50-meter range.
Tough hide = Some can have hide or fur comparable to the trunk of a tree.
Hybrid = Very rarely, a Lycanthrope is born with the ability to go into a humanoid form with all their animal capabilities but doubled.
Weaknesses -
Animal Weakness = They have the weaknesses that their animal has while in animal form.
Silver = Burns them.
Magic = Not the best at it.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Skinwalker
Appearance -
Skinwalkers appear humanoid but often wear the bones, furs, and skulls of various animals to maintain their connection to the beasts they transform from. Some retain subtle animal features even in humanoid form, such as elongated ears, sharp claws, glowing eyes, or tails.
Information -
Skinwalkers are thought to originate from animals that, through ancient magic, gained the ability to shift into humanoid form. This transformation was passed through generations, resulting in a race with deep spiritual and animalistic roots; with a connection to the natural world that makes them highly skilled.
These beings are secretive, often residing in forests, deserts, or isolated caves. Their reputation is a mix of reverence and suspicion, stemming from myths about their abilities and tales of their appearance and nature. Due to their strong instincts and preference for isolation, they are generally misunderstood and feared by other races, though few interact with them directly.
The abilities of skinwalkers set them apart from other beastkins, especially their mastery over transformation and more primal magic. They embody versatility, shifting between forms and abilities as needed with fluidity unmatched by other races.
Despite being powerful, skinwalkers often struggle with their dual nature, torn between the instincts of their animal heritage and the intelligence of their humanoid form. This internal struggle sometimes leads them toward isolation or a nomadic lifestyle, rarely staying in one place for long combined with their low birthrate to begin with, encountering one is rare.
Abilities -
Dual Form = Skinwalkers can shift freely between their animal and humanoid forms without restrictions. This transformation can take mere seconds, the fastest of any race.
Animal Instincts = They retain heightened senses, hearing, smell, and sight, regardless of form, granting them 6x the capabilities of a human.
Nocturnal Prowess = They gain enhanced strength, speed, and agility during the night, especially under a full moon. Boosting their capabilities by 4x during the night, and 6x during a full moon.
Spiritual Awareness = Skinwalkers can sense magical disturbances or spiritual movement within a 50-meter radius.
Mimicry = Some skinwalkers can perfectly mimic animal sounds or human voices, deceiving prey or enemies.
Tracking = Some Skinwalkers, regardless of the animal, can spot tracks in their vision as highlighted in yellow.
Enhanced Camouflage = In either form, skinwalkers can blend into natural environments, becoming nearly invisible.
Pack Bonding = When in animal form, they can temporarily connect with other animals, coordinating movement and actions for 5 turns.
Twisted form = Rarely, when a skinwalker is born, they’re able to transform into an alpha version of themselves temporarily while in animal form. This gives them 6x the capabilities for 6 turns with a cooldown of 8.
Wild’s Blessing = Said to be blessed by the Demi-God of Animals, some very rare Skinwalkers are able to tap into that power, and control lesser animals to an extent.
Curse of Fear = In rare cases, they can curse a target with uncontrollable fear for three turns, triggering primal flight responses with a cooldown of 10 turns.
Weaknesses -
Animal Weakness = They have the same weaknesses as their animal.
Dual Instincts = Skinwalkers often struggle to balance animal instincts with rational thought, leading to impulsive behavior.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Insectoid
Appearance -
They are humanoid in form, but mainly bug in build. Most have a form of bug-like look, either with insect wings, antennas, extra eyes, or other such bug-based features.
Information -
Insectoids are a race of people that are mainly humanoid insects, with the abilities and capabilities of such.
They aren’t very well-liked by many of the other races, and they themselves do not like the other races as well, commonly choosing to live in isolation.
Being a humanoid insects, they have all the capabilities of one, often time changed to match their new humanoid form. Having a wide variety of abilities.
They aren’t many in population, and the reason for this is that they are commonly illegally hunted for sport.​
Abilities -
Insect Nature = They have the abilities and skills of the insect they are.
Scatterbug = Rarely, they’re able to change into a swarm of their insect. These insects move as one giant mass for 4 turns before turning back into their original form and can’t do so again for 6 turns.
Insect Aura = Some are able to have an aura that calms insects, even allowing them to order insects in small numbers for minor tasks.
Hybrid = Some insectoids are able to have the traits of 2 insects instead of just 1.
Weaknesses -
Insect Weakness = They are weak to whatever their insect is weak to.
Lifespan -
Extra -

[Beast Clan] Aphibeon​
Appearance -
They are humanoid in form with a body that is often green, brown, or in some rare cases red in color. They are often rather tall when standing at full height, easily reaching heights of 6 feet, due to how much longer their legs are compared to a normal person, with their legs being the longest part of their body. Their bodies are commonly very rough and dry if they stay out of water for an extended period of time, but in water, it is often slimy and smooth.
Information -
Aphibeons are a race of people that is believed to be a mixture of amphibian and human, creating a race that is both but neither at the same time. They have a lot of the common features of an amphibian, while also having traits of a human.
As a race that belongs to the Beast Clan, they are widely accepted even if their unusual habits sometimes leave a bad taste in the mouth of others around them. However, due to how low their survival rates are when being born, they aren't very common to encounter.
Many believe that the race of Aphibeons is related to amphibians, and for obvious reasons, as they share many traits of one, with many even resembling or taking on traits of a frog, such as their need for water and their taste for eating bugs.
While not rare, encountering one is quite uncommon as they commonly die upon birth due to difficulties hatching from their eggs, especially so since it is believed to be a right of passage to allow the egg to hatch on its own without aiding it, often resulting in the death of many.
Abilities -
Great Leap - They have extraordinarily powerful back legs, being able to easily leap over 10 feet into the air with ease in one go.
Water Breathing - They are able to breathe underwater for extremely long periods of time, rarely needing any air.
Sticky Slime - They are able to produce a somewhat sticky liquid from the palm of their hand and feet that are able to allow them to stick to rough surfaces.
Enhanced Agility - Thanks to their powerful legs they have a boosted speed up to 2x that of a normal human.
360-Degree Vision - They have the ability to see a complete 360 degree around them at all times.
Venom Secretion - They are able to create a potent venom in their mouth that is strong enough to cause common fever within 3 turns.
Hibernation - They are able to enter a state of deep sleep, falling completely unconscious and unwakable for a period of 15 turns, and during this period they are able to heal from all injuries as long as it isn't fatal.
Weaknesses -
Water Lacking - They are unable to stay out of water for a period of more than a few days, their skin dries and slowly withers.
Bugs - They are unable to gain proper energy from any meal that isn't bugs or insects.
Heat - They are very sensitive and dislike heat and fire.
Lifespan -
Extra -
