Art By; Unknown
Abyssal Cove is an isolated underwater kingdom, located deep beneath the ocean's surface near a trench that leads deep under the surface. The kingdom is encapsulated within a massive, magical bubble that provides a breathable atmosphere and protection from the crushing ocean depths even for those that are not able to breathe underwater. The surrounding waters are teeming with vibrant coral reefs, bioluminescent flora, and marine life that are both a part of the structure and ecosystem.
Government and Politics
Abyssal Cove is not governed by a traditional monarch but is overseen by the Elder Council, composed of the wisest and oldest merfolk and other ocean races. These people oversee the daily lives and laws of the Kingdom, however the true power, however, lies with Apex Kraken, a colossal ancient creature that dwells beneath the kingdom. Apex Kraken sleeps most of the time but is worshipped as a deity by the inhabitants and in turn it protects them when they are endangered. Every five years, the people pay tribute to the Apex Kraken to ensure its protection and the kingdom’s continued safety.​
The kingdom's economy is self-sustained, relying on the abundant resources provided by the ocean in order to provide itself with almost everything its need, including food, minerals, flora, and more. The merfolk and other ocean races engage in aquaculture, mineral diving, and harvesting rare underwater plants in order to sustain themselves and provide jobs. Trade is minimal due to the kingdom's isolation, but internal barter and exchange thrive, ensuring all inhabitants have what they need; seafarers also tend to stop at the Kingdom's location to do some trading.
Culture and Society
Abyssal Cove’s culture is deeply rooted in reverence for the ocean and the Apex Kraken. The society is communal, with a strong emphasis on cooperation and harmony with nature, deeply connected with each other they see each other as family. The kingdom’s isolation has fostered a unique culture, rich with traditions, songs, and stories about the sea and Apex Kraken’s benevolence. Festivals and rituals are cantered around the ocean’s cycles and the tribute ceremonies for the Apex Kraken, to which they rarely allow outsiders to take part in.
Art By; Unknown
While Abyssal Cove is generally peaceful, it maintains a vigilant defence force known as the Tideguard, composed of skilled warriors from various ocean races. These defenders are adept at underwater combat and are trained to protect the kingdom from any threats that might penetrate the bubble. The kingdom's natural isolation and the intimidating presence of the Apex Kraken serve as powerful deterrents against potential invaders.
Religion and Beliefs
The inhabitants of Abyssal Cove worship the Apex Kraken, viewing it as a guardian deity and as their primary god. Temples and shrines dedicated to the Apex Kraken are scattered throughout the kingdom, where regular offerings and prayers are made. The most significant religious event is the Tribute of Tides, held every five years, where the people offer treasures and perform rituals to honour the Apex Kraken and ensure its protection.
It is said that the Angel once attacked the Kingdom due to their disloyalty to Kami, however the Apex Kraken was able to send them away.
Key Locations
The Grand Reef: A central hub of the kingdom, filled with vibrant coral structures and bustling marketplaces.
Kraken's Grotto: The deep, and forbidden cave where the Apex Kraken resides, considered the holiest site in the kingdom and a place where normal people can not enter.
Pearl Plaza: An area dedicated to the cultivation and trade of pearls, one of the kingdom’s primary resources.
Temple of the Deep: The largest temple dedicated to the Apex Kraken, where major religious ceremonies and festivals are held.
Aqua Gardens: Expansive gardens featuring bioluminescent plants and rare underwater flora, providing food and beauty.
Tideguard Training Grounds: A fortified area where the kingdom’s defenders train and prepare for potential threats.
Art By; Unknown
Unique Aspects
Isolated Paradise: Abyssal Cove’s isolation has preserved its unique culture and environment, making it a hidden paradise under the sea.
Apex Kraken Worship: The kingdom’s reverence for the Apex Kraken shapes its religious practices, social structure, and cultural identity.
Bubble Enclosure: The magical bubble protecting the kingdom ensures a stable, breathable environment and shields it from external dangers.

Art By; Pearl Quest - Artur Sadlos