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D - Synchronized Strike Technique

Name: Synchronized Strike Technique

Technique Power Ranking: D

Description: The Synchronized Strike Technique is a Ki Technique that focuses on harmonizing the minds and bodies of two different people in order to fight as one unit. By synchronizing actions, they can perform coordinated attacks and defenses with unparalleled precision and thus complete things that no single one of them could do.


Stage One: To master stage one of the technique, the pair must train together extensively, learning to synchronize their breathing, movements, and mana flow as one unit. They practice basic coordinated drills and develop a deep understanding of each other's timing and rhythm.

Bonus: Mastering this stage grants the pair improved coordination, allowing them to move in unison and execute basic synchronized maneuvers with increased efficiency. They gain a slight boost to their overall attack and defense when fighting together (+10% effectiveness).

Backlash: The intense focus required to maintain synchronization can be mentally exhausting, leading to decreased individual performance when separated.

Stage Two: Once stage one is mastered, the pair advances to stage two by learning to channel their mana into combined attacks and defenses. They practice linking their mana to create powerful joint techniques, such as combined strikes or shared protective barriers.

Bonus: Mastering this stage grants the pair the ability to perform powerful joint techniques that amplify their individual strengths. Their combined attacks and defenses become significantly more potent when together (+25% effectiveness).

Backlash: The strain of channeling mana together can be physically taxing, leading to faster depletion of their energy reserves and increased vulnerability if their synchronization is disrupted.

Final Stage: In the final stage, the pair achieves mastery over the Synchronized Strike Technique by reaching a state of near-perfect harmony. They learn to anticipate each other's moves instinctively, allowing for seamless coordination and rapid response to changing battle conditions.

Bonus: Mastering this stage grants the pair the ability to execute advanced synchronized techniques with devastating effectiveness. Their synergy becomes so strong that they can briefly share each other's senses and reactions, greatly enhancing their combat effectiveness (+50% effectiveness).

Backlash: The profound connection required for this level of synchronization can lead to severe mental and physical fatigue, especially if one partner is injured or unable to maintain the connection. The pair becomes highly dependent on each other, and their individual performance may suffer significantly if separated.

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