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Modern technology such as phones, plumbing, electricity, and just about everything else is powered, created, and dependent on magic.​

This is called Magi-Tech or Mana-Tech.

Magi-tech does not have the same circuits and programming languages that we know of but instead runs on coding similar to runes and spell language. Operating off of mana crystals, enchantments, magical craftmanship, and other fantastical means.

These utilities have fantasy 'tints' or 'aesthetics' to them. Commonly looks rather different from how it would normally look on Earth, with the technological parts replaced by magical ones.

Operating and creating Magi-tech is much harder than you would expect, with the world having a much smaller population of engineers that is capable of doing it than you would think.

This is due to how specific and detailed the creation of Magi-tech is, usually taking years to master the practice and even more to put it into action.​

Cities have modern technology with various involvement of tech depending on the city, with some having more than others, or some not even having any.

Villages and outlying lands sharply lose the prevalence of Magi-tech to almost none. With them simply lacking the wealth or access to buy Magi-tech.

Magi-tech is quite expensive to afford, with most ones available to the public being the ones that are mass-produced, and even then they are rather expensive.

Nobles and the rich are the only ones who are truly able to afford the luxury of Magi-tech.



Cars, trains, planes, and other such means of travel do not exist in Shinseina in the same way as you know it.

Instead, carriages are the main form of transport, with some being magically enhanced or powered but this is often exclusive to nobility or companies that rent it at a high price to commoners.​

Outside of cities, main roads are usually stone or dirt paths that have varying degrees of safety. As expected in a world of mythical beasts, loose chaotic bandits, and uncertainty with every mile, straying off main roads is dangerous for those unprepared.

Long-distance traveling is often limited to the portals that are available for public usage, often with a small travel fee to be used that is imposed by the clans.

Another means of long-distance transport is flying ships, which are rather expensive and often limited to the rich, but are the safest when it comes to actually traveling a long distance.

Boats exist, but it is often considered dangerous to use them to travel far from shore due to how dangerous the ocean is, with a large portion of it being truly unexplored and recorded due to the difficulty in doing so.



Guns, tanks, rockets, and other modern ballistics and explosives do not exist in Shinseina. Almost all combat is in the medieval era, with magic being a major influence on conflicts.

Progression of such technology has been largely halted due to the lack of a need for them when magic being an easier counterpart for it that already exist. As well as other outside interferences.

With enchanted bows, enchanted catapults, and even armored ships working just as fine, if not better.


​Robots and Cybernetics

While magi-tech constructs and cyborgs do exist in Shinseina, they are very rare.​

Cyborgs are almost monopolized in the human clan due to their technological prowess and capabilities, with it being the only clan that could truly produce it to the level that even commoners would be able to afford it.​

And while other clans can also provide it, it is often much more expensive and not available to people that aren't worth wasting the technology on, with nobles and the rich being the ones that can easily access it.

Magi-tech Constructs are even more expensive and difficult to create consistently, with the human clan being at the forefront in it, and even then only nobles are capable of creating robots with their technology, and other clans are quite limited in it as well.

While magi-tech involvement in a person can open many doors and opportunities, it has a negative effect on one's magic capabilities. As magic comes from the user, with every cybernetic implant the user can lose 5% - 20% of their total magic capabilities this is due to the simple fact that the technology needs to siphon this mana in order to function properly.​

These vary to the degree of based on the Magi-tech's quantity and quality, but always degrade the user's magical capabilities in some fashion.

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