Type of Spell: Ritual
Spell Power Ranking: A
Number of Casters: 1 or more
Description: This ritual summons a spectral guardian that watches over a designated 1-kilometer radius area for up to 10 days. The guardian can sense any hostile intent and alerts the caster(s) of any intruders through magical means. It can engage with low to mid-level threats autonomously, additional casters can increase the guardian's strength and perception range by 500 meters per caster, up to a maximum of 5 kilometers.
Mana Cost: High
Limitations & Side Effects:
The guardian lasts for 30 turns and cannot be renewed once summoned.
It can only engage creatures of B-rank or lower autonomously, forcing the casters to intervene with stronger foes.
Requires an item to act as a conduit, and if the conduit is destroyed, the guardian will vanish instantly.
The guardian can be fooled by high-level illusion magic or stealth abilities unless reinforced by additional casters.
Cooldown: 5 Days
Requirements: A conduit item to bind the guardian.
