Type of Spell: Ritual
Spell Power Ranking: C
Number of Casters: 1 or more
Description: The caster lights a specially prepared candle that burns with a soft, blue magical flame, gradually purging the area of negative mana, curses, and minor evil presences over the course of one night. The flame radiates a calming aura that can stabilize emotions and alleviate minor mental disturbances for anyone in its glow.
Mana Cost: Low
Limitations & Side Effects:
Can only cleanse low-level curses, negative mana, or disturbances. Stronger dark presences will resist or require multiple casters.
Open environments or strong winds will extinguish the candle prematurely.
Cooldown: 10 turns
Requirements: The candle must be crafted from beeswax infused with lavender and enchanted.