Mineral Name: Ligtinion
Color: Black with streaks of blue.
Mineral Location: Shallow ground on high peaks.
Mineral Rarity: Rare+
Moh Hardness Ranking: 10
Melting Point: 5000°C
Solubility: N/A
Market Value: N/A
Description: Ligtinion is a very rare mineral that has little known origin to it. Many tales about how the mineral how to be exist, however only two of such tales are prominent, one tale tells of a Raiju, a legendary lightning phoneix, and is said to be formed from the death of a Raiju and mana condensing within one place. Another tale believe that it is formed from the repeated striking of lightning in the small position repeatedly over the course of many years. The exact origin is unknown, however the ore is said to possess great properties of lightning, and can even produce lightning if provided with mana.