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L - Diamondmanaite

Mineral Name: Diamondmanaite

Color: Crystalline White.

Mineral Location: Very deep under the surface of land.

Mineral Rarity: Legendary

Moh Hardness Ranking: 11

Melting Point: 2800°C

Solubility: Insoluble

Market Value: N/A

Description: Diamondmanaite is a very rare gemstone that naturally forms within the ground very deep under the surface, so deep in fact that it is very difficult to even reach such depths with normal mining tools, as magical devices are usually needed to even scratch the layer they are found on. As the name would imply, Diamondmanaite is formed from Diamonds that have been exposed to a large amount of mana over time, naturally absorbing and changing due to this exposer and taking on magical properties. This process is natural, and happens at random, as such replicating the process isn't possible, which makes the gemstone sought after for its magical properties and beautiful appearance. The gemstone is said to have properties that allows it to protect the wearer from magic, lessening the affects of magical debuffs and attacks that are prone against them, without the user even needing to supply it with mana to be used.

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