-Has 2x the capabilities of a dog.
-Is able to breathe underwater and on land.
-Can see perfectly fine in the dark.
-Able to move very quick underwater.
-Is able to change the colour of its skin and glow to blend in.
-Can create illusions and mental projections.
Danger Ranking: F
Rarity: Rare+
Region: Deep Ocean
Description: Xeonoion, a species of deep sea creatures that is known to be feared by fishermen and sea folks. They look like a hound in nature, but they are able to run inside of water, with quite great speed, but their physical capabilities are not what make them feared, instead it's their ability to create illusions and mess with the minds of things around them, causing fishermen to crash their boats and die, or even causing animals to attack boats and sink them. They do this in order to not only eat on the dead corpses, but also for fun, as they enjoy the death of others.
