• Telepathy
• Mind Reading
• Powerful Psionic Defenses
• Strength in Numbers
• Bioluminescence
Danger Ranking: D
Rarity: Common
Region: Ocean
Description: Cortex Whales are presumably one of the most peaceful fauna in the deep oceans, being known to assist sailors stuck in storms and bad weather. They also inhabit near-shore waters despite their size and can breach out of the water. They have dark grey/blue skin with areas of white coloration on their underbellies and colorful, stripe-like markings across their body. Cortex Whaleshave four eyes, two on each side of the head, that are orange in color. They have six flippers, although the last two have merged to become part of its tail, similar to seals. They have six blowholes on their backs and highly durable armor plating across their body. They are also sexually dimorphic with the males typically being much larger and having bigger, more colorful crests than the females. To protect their young, Cortex Whales have an orifice inside of their mouths. They have two sensory organs protruding from the bottom of their stomachs. The most striking part of Cortex Whales are its pair of echolocation organs that appear as large, brightly colored head crests that protrude from the front of its snout.
