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Conjuration- Conjure Tentacles

Type of Spell: Conjuration

Spell Power Ranking: D

Description: Upon casting, the user summons 5 ethereal tentacles/tendrils that sprout from their lower back like a tail. Each tentacle is 6 feet in length and can stretch up to 10 feet from the user. The tentacles follow the caster’s will and can interact with objects and creatures within range. They possess moderate strength, capable of lifting or grappling objects weighing up to 20 lbs.

Mana Cost: Medium

Limitations/Side Effects:

  • The tentacles are primarily utility-focused and can only exert moderate force, meaning they are not suited for strong attacks or lifting heavy objects.

  • They are vulnerable to damage and can be severed by physical or magical attacks.

  • Tentacles last for 8 turns or until destroyed.

  • They offer little to no additional protection to the caster.

Cooldown: 5 turns

Requirements: N/A

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