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Conjuration - Conjure Nightmare

Type of Spell: Conjuration

Spell Power Ranking: B

Description: The user targets the mind of their opponent and conjures a nightmare based on the target's deepest fears. This nightmare manifests into a physical form that can interact with and attack the target. The strength of the nightmare varies depending on the level of fear the target holds: weaker fears manifest as creatures equivalent to C-Rank strength, while the most intense fears are unknown in strength.

Mana Cost: Medium to Very High.

Limitations/Side Effects:

  • The nightmare can only last for 15 turns before it dissipates.

  • The manifestation will fade if the target overcomes their fear, passes out, or dies.

  • The target must be within the caster’s line of sight to activate the spell.

  • Spell can not be boosted.

  • The nightmare isn't guaranteed to not harm the caster.

Cooldown: 20 Turns

Requirements: The target must have a fear for the spell to work effectively.

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