Type of Spell: Conjuration
Spell Power Ranking: B
Description: The user targets the mind of their opponent and conjures a nightmare based on the target's deepest fears. This nightmare manifests into a physical form that can interact with and attack the target. The strength of the nightmare varies depending on the level of fear the target holds: weaker fears manifest as creatures equivalent to C-Rank strength, while the most intense fears are unknown in strength.
Mana Cost: Medium to Very High.
Limitations/Side Effects:
The nightmare can only last for 15 turns before it dissipates.
The manifestation will fade if the target overcomes their fear, passes out, or dies.
The target must be within the caster’s line of sight to activate the spell.
Spell can not be boosted.
The nightmare isn't guaranteed to not harm the caster.
Cooldown: 20 Turns
Requirements: The target must have a fear for the spell to work effectively.