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C - Image Immersion Technique

Name: Image Immersion Technique

Technique Power Ranking: C

Description: The Image Immersion Technique is a Ki Technique that harnesses the power of imagination and concept of shadow boxing. The practitioner trains by visualizing opponents and engaging in combat with phantom adversaries. This method enhances both physical and mental aspects of their martial prowess.


Stage One: The practitioner starts by meditating and creating detailed mental images of various opponents they have fought. Through focused concentration, they initiate a series of shadow boxing routines, treating these illusions as real foes.

Bonus: Improved reflexes and acceleration by 1.25x. The practitioner gains a heightened ability to predict the opponents they have imagined movements (2x reflects against imagined foes).

Backlash: 1.5x decrease in reaction speed when against an imagined for that has changed overwhelmingly.

Stage Two: Building upon the foundation, the practitioner refines their techniques, incorporating actual strikes with their movements. This stage involves syncing physical strikes with the imagined adversaries, improving precision and form.

Bonus: Increased striking power by 1.5x. Increased mental resistance by 2x.

Backlash: Nightmares become much more realistic and intense.

Stage Three: Advancing further, the practitioner must achieve a seamless integration of their physical and the imaginary realm. Must train to make the illusions feel vivid and real. When training they must feel as if they are putting their life on the line against these imaginary foes.

Bonus: Enhanced physical capabilities by 2x. Enhanced Mental capabilities by 2x. Can summon one imaginary projection of themselves to assist in combat, this projection only has 25% of the user's physical capabilities.

Backlash: Summoned projections can only exert the 25% of the strength as the user with no magical capabilities. Mental resistance goes down by 2x for a week, when projection is destroyed.

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