Crushing Jaws
Demonic Strength
Fast Speed
Minor Cloaking
Danger Ranking: C
Rarity: Uncommon
Region: Oceans
Description: Helljaws are a carnivorous fish that has a striking resemblance to the standard great white shark. Helljaws are equipped with a pointy tail that is used to propel itself through the water. The underside of its body is white while the creature's top is dark gray. This coloration acts as camouflage, allowing the Helljaw to sneak up on its prey, as well as having a sort of natural "cloaking" system. A sharp ridge can be seen on the back of male Helljaws, whilst females have a more rounded over "hump" instead. The Helljaws most striking feature is its three-part jaw that resembles a rattlesnake's open mouth. The three jaws open in a triangular pattern like a blooming flower, its pure jaw stregth enough to crush almost anything that swims the sea
