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C - Drunken Style Technique

Name: Drunken Style Technique

Technique Power Ranking: C

Description: The Drunken Style Technique was invented by a martial artist that enjoyed drinking a lot of alcohol, and because of that they didn't want to give up alcohol in order to train their martial arts. As such they decided to create a technique of training that is best suited for people that are drunk.


Stage One: To master the first stage, the user must be able to hold their alcohol well, not vomiting or getting upset even when they drink a lot and is moving around a lot. To master this stage fully the user needs to be able to drink so much they are pitch drunk, and able to fight a C Rank or Higher monster at the same time.

Bonus: Once the first stage is mastered the user will be able to fight properly even when drunk, giving them a boost of 2x physical strength when drunk.

Backlash: They need to be drunk in order to properly fight and only gets boosted when drunk.

Stage Two: To master the second stage the user must constantly drink, never being sober for multiple days in a row, only when they have drunk for so much days in a row that they no longer remember what its like to be sober, and can properly fight even while drunk, they will master the second stage.

Bonus: Once the second stage is mastered the user will have an increased boost to 3x physical and 2x magical boost when drunk.

Backlash: If they become sober, they will lose mastery over the second stage and return back to the first stage. Only get the boost when drunk.

Final Stage: To master the final stage the user must have been drunk for an extended period of time, drinking even stronger alcoholic drinks until they are one with the alcohol, unable to survive without drinking.

Bonus: Once the final stage is mastered the user will have an increased boost to 5x physical and 3x magical when drunk.

Backlash: The user needs to be constantly drunk, if they are sober for even a single day they will fall back down to the first stage. Only get the boost when drunk.

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