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A - Undying Decay Technique

Name: Undying Decay Technique

Technique Power Ranking: A

Description: The Undying Decay Technique is a potent Ki Technique focused on accelerating natural healing processes, enabling rapid regeneration and recovery. However every time one regenerates using this ki technique, the more their body will change.


Stage One - Engage in intensive mana breathing exercises to attune the body's cells to the frequency of life energy. This process stimulates cellular regeneration and initiates a heightened state of vitality.

Bonus: Accelerated natural healing. Minor wounds and fatigue recover 4x faster than usual.

Backlash: Temporary stamina depletion, resulting in heightened vulnerability.

Stage Two - Learn to direct mana specifically to damaged tissues, guiding the regenerative energy to focus on wounds or injuries. This stage requires deep concentration and precise control over the flow of mana. However to train in this you must be injured.

Bonus: Improved targeting of regeneration. Major wounds recover at an accelerated rate, bones mend more rapidly.

Backlash: Mental degradation and increased hunger as the body demands more energy for the healing process. Fatal injuries recover normally.

Stage Three - Embrace a surge of external mana while receiving multiple fatal wounds over the course of a month straight.

Bonus: Can recover from incapacitating fatal injuries in a matter of 5 turns.

Backlash: Every time the wound is healed, the body changes in brutal disgusting way, to adapt to the cause of injury. The user can not train in most Ki techniques that require bodily change. Can not change the form of the body even with shapeshifting.

Stage Four - Stay in a constant state of regeneration from major to fatal wounds for 100 days. The wounds must be applied to every part of the body.

Bonus: User does not age gaining unageing. Gains a exoskeleton as strong as 10 Moh. Even in the face of fatal injuries they heal in just 2 turns. Can regenerate even limbs in just 3 turns.

Backlash: Users body changes into a disgusting amalgamation from the intense healing and adaptations. The user will lose most reason. User will go into a state of berserk when injured. The user will feel periodic and intense hunger as the body demands constant replenishment of energy for regeneration, and attempt to eat whatever is in sight.

Final Stage: Unknown.

Bonus: Unknown.

Backlash: Unknown.

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