Circle Name: Empathic Empowering
Circle Ranking: A
Circle Engraving: ស្រូបយកដែលជាអារម្មណ៍និងអារម្មណ៍និងផ្តល់ឱ្យខ្ញុំអំណាច
Effect: Engraving the circle in an area will allow the user to absorb all the emotions of everyone in the area and turn it into a boost to their capabilities, gaining a +1x for every person's emotion they absorb with a max of 10x.
Required Mana Input: Constant mana supply
Limitations and Drawbacks: The larger the area it is engraved, and the bigger the circle, the more mana it will cost to power it. The more people inside the more it will drain mana.
