The year is coming to an end, and as we put a close to 2021, it is only right to remember all the important things that have happened throughout this year, and aim for new things in the coming year.
As such, we will take a short moment of your time to go over a few important changes that have happened over the year.
🛠️Massive Revamp-
At the beginning of 2021, the server was officially revamped, with a brand new look and more things added to it. It was by far, one of the biggest updates to happen to Shinseina, with a large quality of things changing.
From channels, categories, roles, information, and much more, all reworked and improved upon. Even the community itself was revamped, with a strict lockdown on toxic behavior that can ruin the mood of the server and affect the members, allowing people to have lots more fun, and enjoy themselves.

Along with a change in our layout and style, we also introduced a brand new logo, custom made and meant to represent us.

🌐Official Website-
That's right the thing we are most proud to have introduced within the year of 2021, was this very website you are reading this on right now. The official Shinseina World website, fully created and operated by us here at Shinseina World.
A website customized with all the information related to the world of Shinseina along with much more, making things a lot more organized and simpler for the members of Shinseina to find what they wish to find.

Naturally, as a roleplay server, most of our most important updates happened to be related to the aspect of roleplay, so to save some time and not have to list them all, below is a shortlist of some of the most outstanding and important roleplay updates to have happened over the year.
Addition of Items.
Addition of Spells.
Addition of over 30-40 new Races.
Information for each Clan reworked and improved.
Half-Breeds Added.
And much more
Well, now this isn't anything major, but why leave out the lovely mascots of the server since they were added during the year? Yuuki and Malori, the new mascots of the server, with information that can be learned about them in the mascot channel.
They are still new, so they are still getting accustomed to the community, but soon enough they will become a part of it just like anyone else.

Now there are tons more things we can list off that we have improved on and added over the past year, but to us, the most important thing that we have accomplished this year is attracting the attention of all the members that partake in our server, both in and out of roleplay.
This is no small thing either, in fact, at the start of this year when we first revamped, the server only had around 1500 members, yet, as we come to the end of 2021, we have reached over 3500 members, and is nearing 4000 members.
Seeing this level of growth, and the activity that happens every day, really shows that all the hard work that went into the creation of the server, and the continuous hard work that goes into improving it and keeping it running, isn't going to waste.
For such hard work, our modding teams are responsible and are to thank, below are just a few of our active members that are currently working on the server, and this doesn't even include the friends we have seen come and gone over the year;
Hardworking Bio Team Members
@just randomsloth
@The Overlord
@bradley !
Hardworking Lore Team Members
Hardworking GM Team Members
Hardworking Partnership Team Members
Hardworking Staff Team Members
And last, but not least in the slightest, you, the very member that's reading this, and the ones that use the server every day, keeping us alive and running, and enjoying the platform we create. That's the best thing we can hope for.
Now before we go on and on, we will only say one more thing before this ends.
2021 was a good year for us, many things changed, and we grew a lot, however, this isn't the end of this growth, and we look forward to growing further with all of you in the coming year, and hopefully even years, and see just what we can truly become.
So one more time, Happy New Year Shinseina!

Did you have fun with us this year?
We would love to hear your thoughts, and feedback, please feel free to share it with us, here, or in the feedback channel in the server!