Spell Information
What are spells?
Spells, like runes, are magical instructions that when executed by a user, meeting the right conditions, can cause a desired outcome. All spells rely on the existence of mana to be executed, the mana directly from the user to cast.
A spell is a form of universal magic that anyone with mana is able to use. Done by using three basic steps that are the fundamentals of all spellcraft.
Channeling requires the user to flow the mana within their body in a specific order, in order to trigger the spell they wish to occur. This is usually done through the speaking of a phrase, commonly in the spell language, that ignites certain motion to the mana. This allows the mana to trigger the effect required by the user. In some rare cases, movement is also a valid means of channeling.
Imagining is the step that comes after channeling, but is tied to it very closely, as the user's imagination is a large factor in what they wish to accomplish. Without a clear idea in mind about how the spell should work, it can often end with the spell failing, or in worse cases, backfiring.
Presenting is the final step of the process and the part that puts it all together. Once the spell is channeled and the imagination is clear, the user then needs to output their mana in such a way that it affects the mana around them, and causes it reacts, thus, using the spell. While simple to explain, this process is very delicate, and any interruption to that flow of mana can lead to damage to the user. The same can be said for any spells used on the body of the user themselves.
With these ideas in mind, it is easy to understand why spells are one of the major factors of magic in the world, and why creating or altering existing spells is very difficult.
However, it isn't impossible.
What exactly are spells and why do they exist?
That's a question that has always been on the mind of many great researchers and magicians alike that claim to study spells. Most have concluded that due to how proficient the ancient people were in magic and mana, they developed a language capable of harnessing said mana and turning it into power. Though how exactly they did this is unknown.
As of currently, researchers alike have concluded the existence of various types of spells that exist, and have placed them all into categories as shown below, each with its own specialties and disadvantages, and training in any one category can take one's entire lifespan.
White Art
Dark Art
Each category has its own requirements, purposes, limitations, and so on.
Non-Elemental Magic is the purest form of magic, it doesn't rely on any element and is made out of pure mana only. It is commonly the easiest to learn, at least according to a few, and is the preferred type to learn because it has no direct weaknesses or strengths, and allows the most freedom.
Elemental Magic has many branches within it, and each branch specializes in something different, with its own strengths and weaknesses, and capabilities. Currently, the known elemental spell branches are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, and Electricity.
Ritual Magic is an older, and uncertain type of magic that is much stronger for casting spells that require lots of mana, people, or even a price to be paid to cast. Most, if not all, Ritual magic can only be cast with multiple people, and trying to cast it alone will often result in death, or serious injuries.
Enhancement Magic is a rather basic form of magic, and is commonly used by knights, or physical-type fighters. Its main property is using mana in order to empower the body and strengthen it, such as making it stronger, faster, durable, or even aiding in healing internal injuries.
Enfeeblement Magic, while similar to Enhancement Magic in the sense that it affects the body directly, Enfeeblement Magic is more-so directed at hindering the body. Commonly used to injure or hinder the body of opponents, torture, curses, and so on.
Alteration Magic is a complicated and still unsure form of magic that uses mana in order to manipulate the material around them, allowing them to move or change them to their liking. It takes a lot of practice and training to be able to use and is one of the easiest magic to mess up.
Conjuration Magic commonly used by people with familiars, allows the person to summon things and command them. Often the magic requires a price for the summoning to be done and commanding the thing summon requires strong willpower and strength.
Max at a time 1 A 2 B 4 C 6 D Max by themselves 1 A 3 B 5 C 8 D
Illusion Magic a commonly known type of magic, but hard to practice and master, allows the user to interfere with the senses of others using their mana, either confusing them, making them see things, or outright messing with their senses. Illusion Magic can sometimes backfire, affecting the person that used it in the process.
White Arts is a magic category that scholars have established when dealing with spells. These often have properties such as light, healing, knowledge gathering, or affiliated attributes of some kind. White arts are neither good nor bad, like all magic it is simply how the user utilizes it. White arts are often considered the opposite of dark arts though don’t directly counter dark arts by nature.
Dark Arts as Dark Mana is more difficult to control than other mana types, its use is more methodical and exact, giving magic using it the title of ‘dark arts’. While not viewed as inherently bad like any other type of magic, the adverse effects dark mana has on living things does cause magic revolving around it to be dangerous and thematic to undeath, blood, and other bodily functions. These spells usually sacrifice raw power for versatility or require some form of material or sacrifice to use more powerful spells
Psionics is the manipulation of the mana in and created by one’s mind. The minds of others cannot be bent, but they can be overloaded. These spells are dependent upon the mental strength of the user, requiring any caster to be intelligent as well as magically talented in order to use them to their fullest capabilities. This school is strongest outside of combat but can be used to either force pain upon another or use one’s mind to move the world around them, lacking in damage but making up for it in battlefield control.
Nature magic is similar to earth magic. However, it specifically is the magic of plant life, vegetation, and other greenery. Unlike earth which is minerals and solids, nature magic has life to it. This magic is harder to use than other elements because of the living aspects of them and often requires vocal components or hand motions as part of its spells.
Lifeforce Magic is an old and very dangerous type of magic; texts of it date back to times of old, with most information about it being highly limited or difficult to encounter, even though most nobles do not even know of the existence of Lifeforce Magic. Only in recent times have records of Lifeforce Magic begun to appear. Lifeforce Magic as the name would imply, is a type of magic that is derived from the usage of one's very lifeforce as a source rather than mana, as such it can be used even by those that are not able to access or control mana. Due to the nature of the magic, it is considered bad, and to most, it is even seen as a taboo, as it is often very dangerous and results in the death of many. Lifeforce Magic boasts power and strength over all else, with even the weakest of Lifeforce Magic being many times stronger than other types of magic.
Your lifeforce is dependant on your Lifespan, if Unaging it is 1000.
What are the rankings?
D-Rank Spells are easily learned and don’t have a high cost.
C-Rank Spells aren’t quite as easy to learn and have a slightly steeper cost, but can still be picked up nonetheless.
B-Rank Spells take quite a bit of time to learn properly and have a medium cost.
A-Rank Spells are high in power and cost but are difficult to master.
S-Rank Spells are incredibly strong and incredibly high in cost, however, they are one-in-a-kind. They are permission only.
How do spells work?
- Instead of having the cooldown apply for all spells, they are spell-specific. For example, if you "Conjure Wisp" spell that has a five-turn cooldown, you cannot use that spell for five turns. You can, however, use another spell such as "Flamethrower" the next round.
- One spell can be used per turn normally
- Spells are limited;
• S-Rank spells are only acquired with permission, from shop, etc.
• A-Rank spells are only available for Monarchs and Dukes, can be learned from either
• B-Rank spells are for lower nobility and can be learned from them
• C-Rank spells are meant for more magic-oriented OCs (Up to bio approver)
• D-Rank spells are for everyone
- Casting more powerful spells will deplete the user's mana for a moment;
• Casting a spell of S-Rank usually completely drains the user, meaning that they can't cast another spell during the day
• Casting a spell of A-Rank is very draining, meaning that there should be a cooldown of four turns before casting another spell
• Casting a spell of B-Rank is draining, meaning that there should be a cooldown of two turns before casting another spell
• Casting spells of C-Rank and D-Rank are not as draining, meaning that there is no cooldown before casting another spell
By default your character can have as many spells as listed on your status information on the status page, aside from that you get a few buffs depending on certain things.
With more being able to be gained through roleplay.
- Being above 200 in age allows you a boost of +2.
- Being a Perm Race gives you a boost of +2.
Note: For anyone to be able to learn higher-level spells, they need to have an affinity for magic or spend a very long time studying it.
Spell Bending and Making
What is the Spell Making and Bending System?
Spell Making and Bending is a process that is simple to explain, but much more difficult to complete. With its complexity growing alongside the level of the spell, and knowledge, the user wishes to experiment with.
To truly understand what spell-making and bending entail, one must first understand what a spell is.
What is a Spell?
A spell is a form of universal magic that anyone with mana is able to use. Done by using three basic steps that are the fundamentals of all spellcraft.
Channeling requires the user to flow the mana within their body in a specific order, in order to trigger the spell they wish to occur. This is usually done through the speaking of a phrase, commonly in the spell language, that ignites certain motion to the mana. This allows the mana to trigger the effect required by the user. In some rare cases, movement is also a valid means of channeling.
Imagining is the step that comes after channeling, but is tied to it very closely, as the user's imagination is a large factor in what they wish to accomplish. Without a clear idea in mind about how the spell should work, it can often end with the spell failing, or in worse cases, backfiring.
Presenting is the final step of the process and the part that puts it all together. Once the spell is channeled and the imagination is clear, the user then needs to output their mana in such a way that it affects the mana around them and causes it reacts, thus, using the spell. While simple to explain, this process is very delicate, and any interruption to that flow of mana can lead to damage to the user. The same can be said for any spells used on the body of the user themselves.
With these ideas in mind, it is easy to understand why spells are one of the major factors of magic in the world, and why creating or altering existing spells is very difficult.
However, it isn't impossible.

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How do you bend spells?
Before getting into how one can create spells, we must first understand how one can bend an existing spell to change the effects of it. And while the process may sound simple, it is anything but, requiring practice, experience, and most importantly, knowledge.
For this to be easier to understand, let us look at an example of a spell, and how one could technically bend it by changing the three key factors of a spell.
Let's use, D Rank Nature Spell, Thorn.
Let us say someone wishes to cast the Thorn spell, and in order to trigger it, they mutter a line in the spell language, while imagining the desired effect.
"تمديد وبيرس ، شوكة."
Or as it is spoken in the common tongue.
"Extend and pierce, Thorn."
With this as the channeling, along with their imagination as the visualization, the final outcome would naturally be the desired outcome, and the common outcome, a thorn the size of a hand-held rock shoots out from the user's hand. At speeds close to 60mph, with the power to dig several inches into wood.
But as we already know, channeling and visualization hold a lot of power over the outcome of a spell, so, what would happen if we alter that channeling and visualization to something else?
Now while that may sound easy, it is not. As to alter the channeling one must first figure out a valid and working channeling route to change to, alongside a phrase that works for that route. Imagining it is also a key factor.
But let's say, for example, someone was able to do this, and instead of outright changing the phrase used to channel, altered it slightly.
"تمديد ، شوكة."
Or as it is known in the common tongue.
"Extend, Thorn."
This would cause a different outcome of the spell. Instead of extending out and piercing with great speed and sharpness, it would instead simply extend out without the same amount of force or speed.
Making it much more versatile in usage, but also weakening it greatly.
And that is why the bending of existing spells is not only difficult but also not meant to increase the strength of a spell, as, in most cases, the bending of a spell would make it either weaker or the same strength but a different style.
That is to say, there are ways to make a spell stronger by extending it rather than shortening it, but, that would require the user to form a much more complex spell channeling chant, along with a clear image in their minds.
Due to this, the strengthing of a spell would often fail, even if the user is experienced and knowledgeable.
With this in mind, while it is possible for people skilled and knowledgable to be able to bend a certain spell to fit their needs, it is by no means easy and would require a lot of practice to actually get right. With the chance of failure being quite high.
What is Spell Making?
Now that you know how to bend spells, making it follows a much similar process, however, it is much harder than bending a spell. As, when you bend a spell all you are doing is altering a currently existing spell, however when you attempt to make a new spell from scratch, you must form the channels, find the proper words to express it, and have a very clear image in mind.
Even with all that accomplished, executing a new spell isn’t very likely as a lot tend to fail, relaying on a lot of outside factors not completely within the control of the person wishing to create a spell.
This is why so little is know about spells and why there is a limited amount of spells that exist in the world.