Quest Information
➺ What are quests?
Quests are missions that are set in the roleplay world either by the guild, nobles or by characters for people to accomplish and be rewarded in return. Anyone with enough money can put up a quest, as long as the quest isn't illegal or simply impossible to accomplish. It shouldn't be illegal due to the fact that all quests are firstly checked and approved by the guild before going up.
➺ How to put up a quest?
Putting up a quest isn't difficult at all as long as you follow the format below and the information given. After filling it out, DM it to one of the Event Team members so they can place it in the respectful ranking channels.
Publisher's Name:
(The basic name of the person that published the quest. This isn't required and is in fact often left out, is appreciated though.)
Quest Objective:
(A quick explanation of what the quest is to achieve.)
Quest Rank:
(This is the rank you have to be in order to take this quest. If you are a rank that is higher than the required rank you can still take it.)
Quest Difficulty Ranking:
(The ranking of the quest can range from, Easy, Normal, Medium, and Hard. Each ranking gives the quest taker a basic idea of how difficult the quest will be. Easy is normally used for Quests with no fighting. Normal is used for Quests with little to no fighting, or weak opponents. Medium is for Quests made specifically for fighting or involves a lot of fighting/hard opponents to fight. Hard, well the name is self-explanatory, these are extremely hard Quests.)
Quest Details:
(A more in-depth explanation of what to do in the quest.)
Quest Reward:
(How much they will be regarded for the quest. Please remember this is your character paying for it, so stay within a reasonable range that your character and status can achieve.)
(Where the person can go to get more details or contact information.)
Extra: (Anything you'd like to add.)
➺ Why is there an Adventurer status
if anyone can do the quest?
While anyone can take part in quests, the adventurer role allows you to gain 2× the amount of Quest Points that someone without it can gain. Allowing you to receive more benefits. If you are a commoner, without another status, you can register to be an adventurer at any guild.
➺ What are Quest Points?
Quest Points are a sort of currency you gain from the completion of quests. Each quest you finish will give you a number of Quest Points, the total you gain depends on the difficulty of said quest. Quest Points can be used to buy Loot Crated, which gives you bonuses depending on the crate you buy. You can check your points by doing .bal.
➺ What are Loot Crates?
Loot crates can be bought using Quest Points to gain bonuses. To purchase a loot crate you simply use the command /buy [item name/item # and if you wish to check the prices for each crate you use /shop.
With Mimu
After buying and using a crate, you will be told what to do to gain a reward.
There are 5 types of loot crates that can be earned through quests, each being better and more expensive than the previous.
Copper Crate.
Silver Crate.
Gold Crate.
Crystal Crate.
Platinum Crate.