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Faction Information

Faction Overview


Factions are player-created, and driven, groups that serve as hubs for collaboration, roleplay, and progression within Shinseina World for a collective group of people. These factions can vary in their purpose, whether lawful or unlawful, and provide players with numerous opportunities to band together, share resources, take on group quests, and impact the world as a group.


Creating and managing a faction can bring both power and responsibility, as the success of the faction will depend on its members' dedication, strategic goals, and ability to work together; as well as the action of individual members can cause the failure of one. Factions not only allow you to do various things but also offer a wide array of perks that can enhance the experience, making them an integral part of the world-building and character-development process. 


Below is an in-depth breakdown of the faction system, its creation, perks, missions, and more.

What Are Factions?


Factions are organized groups of players who come together under a shared banner and name with specific goals, motivations, or ideologies in mind; some factions can even just be created for the broad goal of bringing people together. Whether they function as mercenary groups, noble alliances, crime syndicates, or knowledge-seeking academies; factions provide players with a structured environment to pursue objectives with others.


Factions can be either lawful or illegal, and their actions can impact not just their members but the larger world of Shinseina and how this world sees them. These groups operate with varying levels of autonomy, and as they gain influence, their reach and power in the world expand, leading to greater opportunities for roleplay and narrative-driven interactions.


Factions are about more than just forming groups; they give players the ability to:


  • Take on more challenging and rewarding quests.

  • Gain access to exclusive faction-based content and perks.

  • Collaborate with other players and build long-term alliances or rivalries.

  • Influence the world of Shinseina with lore-driven actions.

  • Create a social hub for characters with similar interests, backgrounds, or goals.


Whether you're focused on adventuring, building power, or even spreading chaos, factions give players the tools needed to work together with others, or even benefit from others, to greater influence the world around them.

Faction Creation Process


Creating a faction is simple but requires a goal and commitment from a small group of players. Here’s how to create one:


1. Faction Name: Choose a meaningful name that reflects the purpose or personality of the group.


2. Faction Purpose/Goals: Every faction needs a reason for existing. This can range from mercenary work, protection, adventuring, political power, or even criminal activities. Having a clear purpose helps attract new members and keeps the group focused; while it doesn't need to be something specific, it should exist.


3. Faction Leader: Each faction must have a designated leader who is responsible for organizing, managing, and guiding the group. This person is the face of the faction and often the main point of contact for other groups or players.


4. Minimum Members: At the time of creation, factions must have at least four members— a leader and three others. As the faction grows, it may unlock more benefits and opportunities.


5. Legal or Illegal: Factions can operate within the bounds of the law or function as underground, criminal organizations. However, illegal factions must be cautious, as they are at constant risk of being hunted by lawful forces.


Faction Perks & Benefits


Factions come with several perks that encourage teamwork, improve the content, and provide members with exclusive rewards. As the faction grows, so do the rewards. 


Here’s an in-depth look at some of the perks factions can unlock:


  • Double Quest Rewards

When factions complete quests as a team, they can earn double the rewards. This means more experience, better loot, and enhanced reputation points, and more. Grouping up for quests not only increases the chances of success but also boosts the rewards received upon completion.


  • Access to Black Market Information

Criminal factions or factions with a darker reputation can gain access to black market information at a higher tier. This provides access to illegal knowledge, illicit resources, or under-the-table missions that would not be available to lawful factions. Higher-tier black market access is granted as the faction’s reputation grows.


  • Faction Headquarters & Forum

As a faction grows in size and reputation, they may eventually unlock their own forum or headquarters channel, serving as the faction’s home base. Here, members can hold private meetings, store important documents, and manage faction activities.


  • Faction-Only Shops

Exclusive shops become available to factions where members can buy rare and powerful items that are not available to the general player base but instead for factions only. The items here often align with the faction’s theme or goals, giving members a strategic advantage during quests and events.


  • Boosts to Learning Ki, Spells, and Techniques

Factions that train together can progress faster than individuals working alone. Whether learning new spells, mastering Ki Techniques, or other similar things, the synergy created by faction members training side-by-side allows for faster progression and shortens the learning time.


  • Reputation System

Factions gain a reputation based on their actions, both good and bad. A faction’s reputation impacts how NPCs, cities, and other factions view them. High reputation may grant access to better resources, important alliances, or greater influence. However, a notorious faction may become wanted by law or constantly hunted by rivals.


  • Group Encounter Rewards

During group encounters, be they battles, events, or world-changing moments, factions receive better loot and experience when participating as a group. This encourages players to stay active within their factions and take on bigger challenges together.


  • Faction Quests and Missions

Factions can take on exclusive missions that align with their goals and reputation. For example, a noble house may receive diplomatic quests, while a mercenary faction might get contracts for protection or assassination. Successfully completing these missions enhances the faction’s reputation and opens up new storylines.


  • Events and Ceremonies

Factions can host their own events or ceremonies, such as member initiations, internal tournaments, or public-facing festivals. These events create roleplay opportunities, build faction pride, and often provide rewards or bonuses for attendees.


Faction Ranks and Organization


Each faction is free to create its own internal hierarchy; this system can include ranks such as officers, lieutenants, and general members, allowing for structured leadership. Promotions and demotions are entirely in the hands of the faction leader, and factions can use their rank system to motivate members to contribute to the group’s growth.


Ranked members may gain specific privileges, such as access to certain resources, leadership roles during quests, or the ability to recruit new members; as they are assigned by their faction itself.

Reputation and Influence


As factions complete missions and interact with the world, they build a reputation. Whether a faction is known as heroes, protector, or notorious criminal, reputation will affect how they are treated by NPCs, other factions, and lore-based organizations.


  • High Reputation: Factions with a positive reputation may gain the favor of local governments, get discounts in shops, and be called upon to complete important lore-driven quests.

  • Notorious Reputation: Criminal factions or those with a darker reputation may find themselves hunted or targeted by law enforcement or rival factions. However, they may also gain access to exclusive black-market goods, illicit missions, and underground networks.

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