Darknet Information
Darknet Overview
The Darknet is a hidden and secretive network within Shinseina’s roleplay world, used by characters and people who engage in illegal, covert, or underground activities. The Darknet serves as a platform for illegal trade, services, secret assassinations, and more.
Unlike regular advertisements, the Darknet is the go-to place for all things illicit and morally ambiguous, and because of this it is more secure and complicated to access than the regular Advertisement Board; while it can be found easily, a large portion of the more important things are locked behind certain tiers.
Regardless of that, through the Darknet, characters can anonymously communicate, trade illegal goods, or even request dangerous services like assassinations and blackmail, all hidden from the watchful eyes of law enforcement or rival factions.
Categories for Illegal Items and Services
The Darknet provides players with a place to post illegal and underground services, allowing them to interact with the criminal world of Shinseina.
Here are some key categories available on the Darknet:
Items - Forbidden items, cursed items, or high-powered arms that aren’t sold on the open market.
Services - Kidnapping, hacking, and other dangerous criminal services that are not publicly available.
Illegal Substances - Selling contraband potions, drugs, or toxic substances.
Assassinations - Characters can place anonymous hits on enemies, NPCs, or even other player characters.
Information Brokering - Trade secret information about things, characters, or events to gain knowledge.
Each post must be clearly categorized to maintain clarity and help other characters easily navigate the available illegal goods and services.
Tiered Access
Access to the Darknet is restricted by tiers, allowing players to gradually unlock more rare items, services, or even information as they prove themselves within the underground network. At first, characters have limited access to simple illegal trades and low-level services. However, through interaction, they can unlock higher-tier opportunities by increasing their criminal reputation in the world.
Tier 1 - Basic Access; Newcomers to the Darknet can only access basic services such as small item deals, petty crimes, and low-level contacts. This is the base tier, it doesn't have much interaction with the higher levels of the darknet and black market.
Tier 2 - Intermediate Access; Characters who have successfully engaged in multiple illegal transactions unlock access to more dangerous services like high-quality black-market items, larger assassination contracts, and limited information brokers from the black market.
Tier 3 - Advanced Access; Only the most notorious criminals can reach this level, allowing them to interact with the black market and other illegal groups directly, special NPCs, and unlock rare, high-tier goods, and information.
Anonymous Communication
One of the unique features of the Darknet is the ability for characters to communicate anonymously, allowing players to keep their identities hidden while they conduct illegal activities. This adds a layer of secrecy and protection, as other players cannot easily trace communications back to the sender unless mistakes are made in roleplay.